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A POEM Composed for the reception tendered the Reverend Henry L. Phillips and wife in celebration of their return from West Indies in 1902 and of his twenty-five years of service as rector of the Church of the Crucifixion, Philadelphia.


A POEM Composed for the reception tendered the Reverend Henry L. Phillips and wife in celebration of their return from West Indies in 1902 and of his twenty-five years of service as rector of the Church of the Crucifixion, Philadelphia.

Over the foaming ocean,
Over the restless sea;
Back to thy field of labor,
We are waiting to welcome thee.
Back from the land of flowers,
Kissed by the ardent sun;
With thy brightest, gladdest welcome,
Thy people here are come.
In the long, long Lenten season,
Ere thy journeyings were o'er;
We will not forget the lessons,
Taught us by our Brother More.
In the work thou placed before,
He has laid his earnest heart;
So tonight within thy welcome
He must surely take a part.
Youth and maiden here will greet thee,
Who were not confirmed before;
Greet thee here tonight as pastor,
By the work of Brother More.
With the consort of thy bosom,
As down the stream of life ye glide;
May the love of God surround you
With His light at eventide.


In the years of early manhood,
On thy brow the dews of youth,
Thou gaves't to a needed people
Many words of love and truth.
Now we welcome thee, dear Father,
As one who points the way
Amid earth's pomps and vanities
To Heaven's brighter day.
May rich and copious blessing
Upon thy life descend,
As we greet thee with a welcome,
Our Father and our friend.
Where sin clasps hand with sorrow,
May we thy flock be found;
As followers of the Master,
Who in his love abound.
To strive by high endeavor
To make the world more bright;
To change life's dull and rugged paths,
To lines of living light.
With hearts of glad surrender,
Not seeking wealth or fame;
O Guide and Shepherd teach us
To live in Jesus' name.
With peace and joy and comfort,
May all thy life be blessed;
And angels welcome thee at last
Within the gates of rest.
With all the saints and martyrs,
Who tried with pain and might;
With bleeding feet the thorny paths,
Now luminous with light.


Like a holy Benediction,
Thy presence may it be;
Till in the Holy City
Thy flock shall welcome thee.