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A Courte helde yli 15th: of October 1621


A Courte helde yli 15th: of October 1621

Sr Iohn Dauers.  mr Steward.  mr Widdowes. 
Sr Phillip Cary.  mr Palavicine.  mr Baynam. 
Sr Hugh Wirrall.  mr Bland.  mr Sewarde. 
mr Deputy.  mr Berblock.  mr Rogers. 
mr Gibbs.  mr Barbor.  mr Palmer. 
Doctor Anthony.  mr Edwardℯ.  mr Lambe. 
mr Robert Smith.  mr Bennett.  mr Morrice. 
mr Shepparde.  mr Ayres.  mr Hickforde. 
mr Nicho: Ferrar.  mr Wiseman.  mr Iadwine. 
Capt Bargraue.  mr Casewell.  mr Webb. 
mr Bynge.  mr Barnarde.  mr Bull. 
mr Meuerell.  mr Bolton.  mr Whitley. 
mr Berkeley.  mr Atkins.  mr Georg Smith. 
mr Swinhow.  mr Caninge. 
mr Cuffe. 
mr Robertℯ wth others. 

Mr Deputy signified yt the occasion of callinge this Courte was to
acquainte them that accordinge to a message receaved from the LLs:
of the Counsell some of the Virginia Company had appeared before
their Lops: the 12th of this present monneth, vnto whome the LLs:
declared yt itt was complayned vnto that Boord yt this Company had
sett vpp a trade att Amsterdam and brought thither all their Comodi-
ties from Virginia, they therfore now required to know the Com-
panies answere wheither or noe they would bringe all their Comodities
into this Kingdom or continue their Trade there att Amsterdam.

A Compɫ: made to
ye Lords yt ye
Compa: had sett
vp a trade at Am-

ffor Amsterdam answere was made that they never sent any Comod-
ities thither: Butt for such Tobacco as came from Virginia this year
they had carryed itt to Middlebrough beinge restrayned by the Kings
Proclamac̃on and order of that Table from bringing in any into this
Kingdome this Yeare.

yt they neu9 send
anie Comodities to
Amsterdam but
carry such Tobacco
to Middlebrough
as Cr


And touchinge their LLps proposic̃ons of bringinge all Comodities
hither they humbly besought their Lops: they might have some time
to call a Courte and they would returne their answere vppon the next
Wednesdaie followinge as their Lopps: Comaunded.

for bringinge all
their Com̃odities
into this Realme
they besough their
Lopps Cr.

Mr Deputy therfore now desyred this present Court that they would
please to take this waighty buisines into their considerac̃on where
vppon after much dispute and many reasons given of ye impossibillyty
of beinge bound to bringe in all their comodities into England wthout
fallinge into very great inconvenyencies they did agree to have these
reasons together wth such other as the Counsell yt morninge haveinge
mett have thought vppon to be drawne vp into certaine heads against
the next wednesday morninge att wch time they would have a Court
to p̱vse and p̱fect them. [266]

The inconven-
iences that would
happen to bring
all ther Comodi-
ties into this
Realme to be
drawne into