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Hymn 3.

[Father, at Thy footstool see]

Father, at Thy footstool see
Two who now are one in Thee,
Draw us by Thy grace alone,
Give, O give us to Thy Son.
Jesus, Friend of human kind,
Let us in Thy name be join'd,
Each to each unite and bless,
Keep us still in perfect peace.
Heavenly all-alluring Dove,
Shed Thine overshadowing love,
Love, the sealing grace impart,
Dwell within our single heart.
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
Be to us what Adam lost,
Let us in Thy image rise,
Give us back our paradise.
Made like the first happy pair,
Let us here Thy nature share,
Holy, pure, and perfect be,
Transcripts of the Trinity.
Foremost of created things,
Nearest the great King of kings,
Standing as the first we stood,
Made a little less than God!