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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia, 1965 :

the charter and the general ordinances of the city

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Article I. In General.

Sec. 24-1. City jail established.

A city jail shall be established for the confinement of all
persons who may be committed or sentenced thereto. (Code 1959,
§ 24-1.)

Sec. 24-2. Sheriff to have supervision and control of jail.

The city sheriff shall have supervision and control of the city
jail and the custody of all prisoners confined therein, as provided
by sections 14-95 and 53-187 of the Code of Virginia. (Code 1959, §


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Sec. 24-3. Duty to receive and retain persons committed to

All persons who may be lawfully committed to the city jail by
the judge of any court shall be received by the city sheriff in
such jail and shall be there retained until released by proper
order. (Code 1959, § 24-3.)


For similar state law, see Code of Va., § 53-162.

Sec. 24-4. Committing persons to jail; release from custody.[362]

No person shall be committed to the city jail except upon
written order of the municipal judge or the chief of police, nor
shall any person committed to the city jail be released therefrom
except upon a like order. (Code 1959, § 24-4.)


As to judge of the municipal court committing persons to jail for nonpayment
of fines, see § 9-7 of this Code.

Sec. 24-5. Purchases for jail.[363]

The city purchasing agent shall make all purchases of every
kind and character necessary for the operation of the jail, and the
costs of the same shall be paid by the city. (Code 1959, § 24-5.)


For state law authorizing such a requirement, see Code of Va., § 53-175.

Sec. 24-6. Health officer to inspect jail; reports to city

The health officer shall at least once a month inspect the jail
and make a report of the same to the city manager. (Code 1959, §


For state law authorizing state board of welfare and institutions to prescribe
minimum standards for jails and to prohibit confinement and require transfer of
prisoners from substandard jails, see Code of Va., §§ 53-133 to 53-135.


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Sec. 24-14. Same — Taking out prisoners to labor.

The foreman of the work force shall take out such prisoners as
may from time to time be delivered to him by the city sergeant
and shall require them to perform such labor as may previously
have been designated by the city manager. The foreman shall
treat such prisoners humanely, using at the same time, however,
all such measures as may be necessary to secure diligent service
on the part of the prisoners and to prevent their escape. (Code
1959, § 24-14.)

Sec. 24-15. Same — Prisoners to obey orders and work each
day unless excused.

Each prisoner who is assigned to the work force shall obey each
and every proper order of the foreman or assistant foreman, shall
perform such work as is required of him by the officers in charge
of such force and shall work each day the force is out unless
excused by sickness or by the city manager. (Code 1959, § 24-15.)