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Away with my fears!
The glad morning appears,
When an heir of salvation was born!
From Jehovah I came,
For His glory I am,
And to Him I with singing return.


No grievous alloy
Shall diminish the joy
I to-day from my Maker receive:
'Tis my duty to praise
His unspeakable grace,
And exulting in Jesus to live.
Thy Jesus alone
The fountain I own
Of my life and felicity here,
And cheerfully sing
My Redeemer and King,
Till His sign in the heavens appear.
With thanks I rejoice
In Thy fatherly choice
Of my state and condition below;
If of parents I came,
Who honour'd Thy name,
'Twas Thy wisdom appointed it so.
I sing of Thy grace
From my earliest days
Ever near to allure, and defend:
Hitherto Thou hast been
My Preserver from sin,
And I know Thou wilt save to the end.
Oh! the infinite cares,
And temptations, and snares
Thy hand hath conducted me through!
Oh! the blessings bestow'd
By a bountiful God,
And the mercies eternally new!


What a mercy is this,
What an heaven of bliss!
How unspeakably happy am I,
Gather'd into the fold,
With Thy people enroll'd,
With Thy people to live, and to die!
How rich in the friends
Thy providence sends
To help my infirmity on!
What a number I see,
Who could suffer for me,
And ransom my life with their own!
Oh! the goodness of God
Employing a clod
His tribute of glory to raise!
His standard to bear,
And with triumph declare
His unsearchable riches of grace!
Oh! the fathomless love,
That has deign'd to approve,
And prosper the work of my hands!
With my pastoral crook
I went over the brook,
And behold! I am spread into bands.
Who, I ask, in amaze,
Hath begotten me these?
And inquire, from what quarter they came?
My full heart it replies
They are born from the skies,
And gives glory to God, and the Lamb.


All honour, and praise
To the Father of grace,
To the Spirit, and Son I return;
The business pursue
He hath made me to do,
And rejoice, that I ever was born.
In a rapture of joy
My life I employ,
The God of my life to proclaim:
'Tis worth living for this,
To administer bliss,
And salvation in Jesus's name.
My remnant of days
I spend in His praise
Who died the whole world to redeem;
Be they many, or few,
My days are His due,
And they all are devoted to Him.