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Hymns and Sacred Lyrics

In Three Parts. By Joseph Cottle

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477. Wisdom taught by all Things.
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477. Wisdom taught by all Things.


Who the course of time shall stay?
Stream that earnest passes on;
Still impatient in its way,
Ever coming, never gone!


May I hence, to Canaan bound,
Lesson learn from all around.


Does the oak, for empire made,
Prostrate on the ground appear?
Will the thorn ere long be laid?
Time subverting all things here!
Lord! prepare me for the day,
When I nature's debt must pay!


Now the great and mighty tread
Honour's path, and close their eyes;
Now, the beggar bows his head;
Now the fool, and now the wise!
May I make my calling sure!
Give me wealth that will endure!


Lords are dust! and kings are clay!
Now they shine, and now they die!
Honours, riches, pass away
Like the stream that hurries by!
Shall I seek the things of earth,
And forget my lofty birth?


Coveting no pomp or show,
Nor man's praises to obtain;
May I, like my Saviour, grow,
And hereafter with him reign!
Other choice may grief afford,
This will never be deplor'd!