University of Virginia Library




AIR,—“Fie let us a' to the Bridal.”

Fu' leesome and leal is my laddie,
And blithe is the blink o' his e'e;
At partin' my heart is richt sad aye,
At meetin' it dances wi' glee.
Yestreen we sat down 'mang the clover,
When the gloamin' her veil o'er us flang;
The time flew sae fleet wi' my lover,
I wist na till mornin' larks sang.
A string o' blue pearlin's he boucht me
When I gaed to last Lammas fair,
And syne to the dancin' he soucht me,
And muckle he on me did ware.
Noo, aye when my pearlin's I blink on,
It mak's me baith blithesome and wae,
Far aften their cost I do think on,
Has gart him toil mony lang day.
Nae lairdship has he but his labour,
Whilk's a' my folk 'gainst him can say;
But whae'er respects guid behaviour
Maun roose my true laddie for aye.
For love I will wed my dear laddie,
And tak' whate'er fortune may send,
For true love and virtue sae steady
Will surely come to a guid end.