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Devotional Verses

Founded on and Illustrative of select Texts of Scripture [by Bernard Barton]

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“For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish.” —2 Corinthians, ii. 15.

Man cannot of himself impart
This privilege divine,
Unto his own corrupted heart;
The work, O Lord, is thine.
Nor can he unto others' sense
That savour e'er make known,
Unless thy Spirit first dispense
Its virtue to his own.
He who another would invite
The rose's sweets to share,
Must, even though conceal'd from sight,
A rose about him bear.


How can the blind expect to teach
The eye aright to see?
Or how, in eloquence of speech,
The dumb instructors be?
Nor can our unregenerate powers
That boon diffuse around,
Which Jesus first must render ours,
'Till we in Him are found.
Lord! by thy Spirit, then, create
Our hearts in Him anew;
Restore us from our fall'n estate,
Our souls with grace imbue.
That so our spirits may give forth
His savour far and nigh,
Of life—in them who feel its worth;
Of death—in them who die.