University of Virginia Library



“Even as the Lord the Church.”—Eph. v. 29.

O God! who didst an equal mate
For Adam of himself create,
Flesh of his flesh, bone of his bone,
That both might feel and love as one:
Make these Thy servants one in heart:
Whom Thou hast joined, let no man part.
Lord of the Church! whose bleeding side
Gave life to thy redeemed Bride;
Whose grace, through every member spread,
Joins the whole Body to its Head.
Oh, let thy love the model be
Of this their nuptial unity.
O Thou who once, a guest Divine,
Didst turn the water into wine!
Thy presence, not unsought, afford;
Fill Thou their cup, and bless their board;
And, while each heart Thy word obeys,
May all their joy be turned to praise.


Spirit of grace and holiness!
Who dost these vital frames possess,
As living temples; which to stain,
Were God's own dwelling to profane:
May these Thy servants, honouring Thee,
Be kept in love and purity.
Now to the undivided Name
The Church adores, her rites proclaim,—
Sealed with the gift of Pentecost,—
To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
All praise be given: in every state,
Be soul and body consecrate.