University of Virginia Library

The Doctor with his task content, Gave a most ready, grave consent;
And, under Lady Bounty's care, He, the next morn, was usher'd there.
From eight at least to fourteen years,
The troop of female youth appears:
With heartfelt pleasure Syntax view'd The interesting sisterhood;
Some were the rosebuds of the day,
Some did their op'ning leaves display;
But all did the fair promise give, That they were fitted to receive
The counsels which the sage inclin'd To pour into their early mind.
The evening came, the scene was gay, All clad in summer's best array,
When the fair youthful band were seen
Arrang'd upon the shaven green.
—Beneath an oak's wide-spreading shade,
While through its boughs the zephyr play'd,
The sage, with reverential pride, Plac'd the preceptress by his side.
He threw a genial smile around Upon the animated ground;
Then upward look'd, as if was given, A silent orison to Heaven;
And soon a mute attention hung Upon the wisdom of his tongue.