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De assumptione sancte Marie matris domini nostri Iesu Christi
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De assumptione sancte Marie matris domini nostri Iesu Christi

Seinte Marie Godes moder fram þe apostles nas noȝt
Þo þe Holy Gost a Witesoneday among hom was ibroȝt
Er he was on hure aliȝt ac naþeles he[o] was þere
He[o] ne dorste wende for þe Giwes fram þe apostles for fere
Ac suþþe þo þe apostles wende euerich inis side
To prechi aboute Cristendom in þe lond wel wide
Oure Leuedi was feble and old he[o] nemiȝte hom siwi noȝt
He[o] mournede ek muche for hure sone on him was al hure þoȝt
Biside þe hul of Cyon into an hous he[o] wende
In hure beden he[o] wonede þer forte oure Louerd after hure sende
Þe apostles come to hure ofte hure confort to make
And nameliche sein Iohn þewangelist for he[o] was him bitake
He[o] þoȝte so muche on hure sone þat wane he[o] miȝte ise[o]
Eni stude and þernei come þat he hadde on ibe[o]
Hure þoȝte heo was in ioie inou þeruore he[o] wende ofte
In studes as he hadde on ibe[o] priueliche and softe
As men doþ ȝute a pilrenage in gladnesse of hure mode
In stude as he was ibaptized and ido on þe rode
In þe stude as he ibured was and to heuene wende
Wanne he[o] to eny of þeos com hure herte bigan to amende
Nei sikemen ofte he[o] was to conforti hom of sore
Hure siwede ech godnesse for heo was fol of milce & ore
Such lif after hure sone deþ twelf ȝer he[o] ladde ney
And euere he[o] was in gret mornynge þat he[o] hure sone nesei
As he[o] sat in hure boure a dai hure com on a gret wille
Forto ise[o] hure swete sone sore he[o] wep & stille


An angel þer com to hure adoun cler wiþ alle & briȝt
As i[s] Leuedi vaire & wel he grette hure as it was riȝt
Hail be[o] þou mi Louerdes moder Leuedi of heuene also
Þi sone abid þe inis trone þou sselt sone come him to
Þis branche of palm he haþ þe isend fram heuene bi me
Þat me ssel bere biuore þi bere and also biuore þe
For þi soule ssel þe þridde day fram þi bodi wende
To heuene to þi swete sone he wole þer after sende
Glad was þo þis clene maide he[o] nemiȝte gladdore be[o]
And mest for hope þat heo hadde hure swete sone to se[o]
Ȝif ich mai he[o] sede leoue lif such grace habbe of þe
Ich bidde þe for mi sone loue þi name tel þou me
And mi leue sones & mi breþeren þe apostles euerichone
Lete hom er here come to me þat i ne beo noȝt al one
Þat ich hom mowe alle ise[o] and touore hom alle wende
And þat hi mowe nei me be[o] such þing bringe to ende
Milce and grace of one þinge [] mine sone ich bidde and þe
Þat no luþer wiȝt ne mowe [] come biuore me
Þat ich ne se[o] non of hom ich crie þe milce & ore
And seie mi sone þat noþing nis þat ich drede more
Mi Leuedi hende and heuene quene þe angel aȝen sede
Wanne deuelen beoþ þoru þe ouercome wi hastou of hom drede
Hy ne douteþ noþing more þanne þe þou doutest hom mid vnriȝt
And wel þou wost hi fondede er þi sone wiþ al hore miȝt
Hi nemiȝte noȝt nei him come ne hi ne mowe nei þe be[o]
And naþeles wanne þi wille is such þou ne sselt noȝt hom ise[o]


Ou Louerd wel aȝte we of hom sore drede
Wanne [heo] þoru wam hi were ouercome ho[m] dradde as heo sede
Wi wilnest[ou] þe angel sede my name forto wite
So hei he is & so gret þat he nemay noȝt wel be[o] write
Þe apostles þat þin children beoþ nemake of hom no mone
Hi ssolleþ her to day in þis place biuore þe come echone
In þe lond hi beoþ wide isprad and hider hi comeþ sone
And biuore hom þou sselt hanne wende hi ssolleþ do al þi bone
Þe angel wende to heuene aȝen þe maide bileuede al one
Þe branche ssinde swuþe briȝte and þe leues echone
Þe bowes were grete and briȝte þe leues as sterren were
Hi ssinde al aboute so briȝte þat murþe & ioie was þere
As sein Ion stod þe ewangelist in Ephecies londe
And prechede biuore al þat folk þer com Godes sonde
In þondre þer com a wiȝt cloude and sein Ion anhei nom
Op in þe lift sodeinliche me nuste ware he bicom
Iset he was touore oure Leuedi dore to uoluelle hure bone
Þis godeman þoȝte wonder gret hou he com þuder so sone
Touore oure Leuedi he com in ar he[o] it euere weste
Þe maide þe oþer grette and wiþ ioie clupte & custe
Muche was þe ioie þat þere was bitwene þe maidens tweie
Hi wondrede hou hi togadere come for ioie hi wope beie
Leue sone quaþ oure Leuedi ȝif þou riȝt vnderstode
Þou wost wel wat Iesus mi sone to us sede in þe rode
Þat þou me helde as þi moder & as mi sone ich þe
Nou is þe time mi leoue sone þat mi child comeþ after me
Þat ich ssel to him henne wende mi bodi ich þe bitake
And þine breþeren ȝif hi comeþ þat hi me noȝt forsake
Þe Giwes ofte bitwene hom þeos wordes habbeþ ised
Abide we forte Iesus moder Marie be[o] ded


Hure body we ssolleþ to doste berne & þanne we mowe ise[o]
Þe tricherie of hure false sone þat we slowe on þe tre[o]
Þere uore ich bidde þe leue sone tak þi[s] ȝeord to þe
And wanne ȝe me to eorþe bereþ bereþ is biuore me
For ichot it nis noȝt for noȝt þat mi sone is fram heuene sende
I nemiȝte bote ich þe tolde uore ar ich fram þe wende
Oure Louerd ȝeue quaþ sein Ion þat þe apostles alle
Þat beoþ oure breþeren here were ar þis ssolde biualle
Þe apostles were þo al tosprad in þe londe wel wide
Wiþ þis worde a cloude nom euerich inis side
And bar hom up into þe lift & sette hom adoun anon
Riȝt biuore oure Leuedi dore at o tyme euerichon
Hore euerich wondrede of him sulue & ech of oþer also
And esste hou oure Louerd hom hadde in o stude so ido
Sein Ion com to hom anon and eu[er]ich oþer custe
Þere me miȝte ioie ise[o] woso neuere of ioie nuste
Oure Louerd wolde quaþ sein Ion us alle hider sende
Oure Leuedi is swete moder out of þe worle ssel wende
We mote þanne nei hure beo & do þat þer is to done
Al ȝare we mote alle be[o] hure time comeþ sone
Ac loke þat non of ȝou neweope ne in mornynge ne be[o]
For þe Giwes us wolde scorne ȝif hi it miȝte ise[o]
And segge þat we þer of lieþ þat oure Louerd wole attenende
After oure deþ murie lif in þe ioie of heuene us sende
Ȝif we weopeþ for hure deþ hi wolleþ holde it lesinge
And liȝe us þer of to busmare and in gret sclandre us bringe
Þe apostles touore oure Louerdes moder wende i[n] euerichone
Hi made hure fair semlant inou and onurede hure al one
Sein Denis at þulke time Sarazin was
Ȝute he seiþ he was þere and isei al þis cas
Oure Leuedi sat wel softe adoun þo it com toward niȝte


Alle þe lampen and taperes wiþ candlen he let liȝte
Mine leue breþeren he[o] sede fram ȝou ich wende sone
Ne forsakeþ me noȝt ac beoþ here ney to do wat is to done
Hi honurede echone to don al hure wille
He[o] sat as he[o] were in þoȝte among hom euere stille
Atte þe þridde tide of þe niȝt gret liȝt of heuene þer com
And al þe strengþe of þe eorþe liȝt wel sone it bynom
Oure Louerd com to hure adoun as riȝt was to do
And angles mid him inowe and patriarcs also
Wel murie was þe song þat hi among hom songe
Þeose wordes sede oure Louerd to hure þoru is swete tonge
Com to me mi leoue moder and in myn owe trone
For ich wilni þe ichelle þe sette as mi riȝt is to done
Mi leoue sone quaþ oure Leuedi min heorte al ȝare is
Al ȝare he is and ichelle singe in my ioie & in mi blis
Þo sede þe oþer þis is þulke þat neuere nuste of folie
Ne of foles wille þat is in bedde Godes moder Marie
Alle kunrede oure Louerd sede edy me holdeþ iwis
For he me haþ muche ido þat al miȝti is
And is name is holy ek and is milce al aboute
Fram kunne to kunne geþ to him þat him wole doute
Þo sede þe chantor of hom alle com forþ here to me
Com here forþ mi lemman icrouned þou sselt be[o]
Lo lo quaþ oure Leuedi þo ich com anon to þe
For in þe heued of þe boc iwrite it is of me
Þat ich ssolde þi wille do [mi] God al one iwis


For mi [soule] haþ ioie imad [] in God þer min hele is
Mid þis word hure soule wende [] into hure sones arme
Wiþoute euerich sor of deþ and wiþoute euerich harme
Oure Louerd sede to þe apostles þat body nimeþ anon
And to þe ualeie of Iosaphat þerewiþ ȝe solleþ gon
A niwe sepulcre ȝe ssolleþ þer finde þereinne ȝe it do
And witeþ it forte þe þridde day þat ich come þerto
Þo was þer swuþe swote smul in al þe place þer
Þe swete angles murie songe as hi oure Leuedies soule ber
Woder woltou nou Leuedi wende þe apostles sede
Þench on us wanne þou comst þer as þi sone þe wole lede
Hy bihulde hou oure Louerd bar is moder soule anhei
Hi ssinde so cler þat non of hom for briȝte hure nesey
Þreo clene maidens wesse þat bodi as clene as hi miȝte
Hi uelde it wel and neseie it noȝt it ssinde so briȝte
Þe apostles it nome wiþ gret honur and in þe bere it leide
Peter þou most þis branche bere biuore hure sein Ion sede
And also biuore hure bere for oure Louerd þe haþ ido
And imad þe maister of Holy Churche and of us also
Leue broþer quaþ seinte Peter þou sselt it bere iwis
For þou ert maide of God ichose & god riȝt it is
Þat maidens baner maide bere and so þou sselt leue broþer
Þou lenedest eke o[p] Godes breste & so ne dude non oþer
And wanne þou more honur vonge of þe sone riȝt it is
Þat þou more honur þe moder do þou sselt is bere iwis
And ichelle uorþ mid oþer bere bihinde þis bere
Sein Ion and alle þe oþer dude as seinte Peter hom gon lere
For[þ] hi bere þis clene bodi sein Ion þe branche biuore
Murie song hi songe inou ar it were to ende ibore


Anon so hi bere þat bodi forþ a cloude þer com fle[o]
And ouercaste hom echone þat me nemiȝte hom noȝt ise[o]
Swote smul þer com of þat smulde aboute wide
Þat þe folk come eorne þuder for ioie in eche side
Þat murie sang hi hurde alle hi nemiȝte noþing ise[o]
Gret wonder hi hadde inou wat it miȝte be[o]
So þat me tolde þe Giwes fore þat oure Leuedi was ded þere
And þat þe song of þe apostles was as hi to eorþe hure bere
As armes bliue queþe þe ssrewen for sle we wolleþ echon
And þe traitors moder brenne boþe fleiss and bon
Þat echmon iseo is tricherie ar hi wende henne
For as we slowe him ssenfoliche is moder we wolleþ brenne
Þo þe ssrewen iarmed were after hi wende faste
And siwede þis holymen þat were of hom lite agaste
Þoru song and smul wiþoute siȝt to hom hi come attelaste
Hore maister prince boþe is honde on þe bere caste
Þo cleuede hi faste on þe bere þat he nemiȝte awei is drawe
Hi bicome ek stiue wiþ palsie þat he nemiȝte hom enes wawe
His bodi sok al for angwiss he cride wiþ reulich bere
Alle þe Giwes þat siwede him ek ablend echone were
Reulich cri among hom was for angwise and for fere
Dai þat recche ich segge for me wat wolde þe ssrewe þere
A Peter Peter quaþ þe maister þou haue merci of me
And help me nou in þisse neode as ich halp enes þe
Vnderstond þe atte domes halle ich halp þe þo me sede
Þat þou wiþ þulke Iesus were & þou forsoke him for drede


We ne mowe noȝt quaþ seinte Peter aboute þe in none wise
For aboute oure Leuedi we þencheþ so muche & aboute hure seruise
And naþeles biluf on him þat he[o] in hure wombe bar
And on is moder & þou worst hol ac be[o] efsone iwar
Certes quaþ þe oþer so ich do ich bidde him milce & ore
He is honden nom to him þat hi ne cleuede namore
Ac naþeles hi were stiue and dede þat he ne weld hom noȝt
Euere he cride on seinte Peter þat hi were to hele ibroȝt
Seinte Peter him let wiþ mouþe segge þat he biluuede þere
In Iesus þat he[o] in hure wombe ber & custe also þe bere
Anon so he hadde þis ido is honden þat dede were
Bicome hole wiþ þe word holore neuere hi nere
Nim þe branche of palm quaþ seinte Peter þat sein Ion berþ anhonde
And touche þer wiþ þe ablendemen & wo so wole vnderstonde
And biluue on him þat þou dest habbe he ssel is siȝte
Þo þe Giu hadde þus ido me miȝte iseo Godes miȝte
For al þat wolde in Gode bileue god siȝt hadde anon
And wo so nolde bileuede forþ as blind as þe ston
Þere were iheled of blindemen þritti þousond & mo
And wo so nolde in God biluue al blind he gan hom go
Þe apostles as oure Louerd hom bad þe holy body bere
In þe uaire sepulcre hi it leide þat hi fonde þere
Þe þridde day oure Louerd com wiþ angles a uair verhede
As he hom hadde er bihote pais beo wiþ ȝou he sede
Gret heinesse quaþ þe apostles Louerd wiþ þe be[o]
Þat al one miracle dest as echmon miȝte ise[o]


Wat honur is riȝt quaþ oure Louerd þat ich mi moder do
Þat me in þis worlde bar and norisside also
Certes Louerd quaþ þe apostles us þincþ euerichone
Þat as þou sist man and God in þi trone al one
Þat þou also þi moder soule to þe body aȝen sende
Ac lete boþe body and soule wiþ þe to heuene wende
To soþe me þincþ quaþ oure Louerd þat it is wel to done
Sein Michel com wiþ þe soule fram heuene wel sone
Þo sede oure Louerd to is moder moder com to me
Mi swete lemman mi wonnynge com here ich bidde þe
As þi body neuere iwemmed nas here of mannes ymone
Wiþoute wem also of rotynge hit schel arise of stone
Mi lemman aris mi swete moder aȝen kunde þei it be[o]
Mid þis word þe holy soule to þe holy body gan fle[o]
And he[o] aros to hure sone as þe apostles alle iseie
Þe angles hure bere anon to þe blisse of heuene heie
Of hure holy body here an eorþe noþing bileued þer nis
Þer of nabbe we no relike for in þe ioye of heuene it is
Ac of hure milk & hure here and of hure cloþes also
Among us for relikes beoþ and in gret nobleie ido
Sixti ȝer he[o] was old þo he[o] to heuene wende
And of fortene ȝer þo oure Louerd þe angel to hure sende
Mid hure sone heo was afterward þreo & þritti ȝer ney
Twelf ȝer heo liuede suþþe her suþþe oure Louerd to heuene stei
So þat he[o] was of sixti ȝer þo he[o] was henne inome
Nou God us granti forþ wiþ hure to þe ioie of heuene come