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The Poems of Edward Taylor

Edited by Donald E. Standford ... With a foreword by Louis L. Martz

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76. Meditation. Phi. 3.21. Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like his Glorious body.

27.5m [July] 1707.
Will yee be neighbourly, ye Angells bright?
Then lend mee your Admiring Facultie:
Wonders presented stand, above my might.
That call from mee the highest Extasie.
If you deny mee this: my pimping Soule,
These Wonders pins up in an Auger hole.
If my Rush Candle on its wick ware flame,
Of Ignis lambens. Oh! bright garb indeed:
What then, when Flakes of flaming Glory train
From thy bright glorious bulk to 'ray my weed.


What my vile Body like thy Glorious, Formd?
What Wonder here? My body thus adornd!
What shall mine hempen harle wove in thy Loome
Into a web (an hurden web indeed)
Be made its Makers Tent Cloth? I presume.
Within these Curtains Grace keeps Hall, and breeds:
But shall my hurden-hangings ever ware
A bright bright Glory like thy body faire?
Meethinks thy smile doth make thy Footstoole so
Spread its green Carpet 'fore thy feet for joy.
And Bryers climb in t'bright Rose that flows
Out in sweet reechs to meet thee in the sky:
And makes the sportive Starrs play Hide-and-Seek
And on thy bodies Glory peeping keep.
And shall not I (whose form transformd shall bee
To be shap'te like thy glorious body, Lord.
That Angells bright, as Gasterd, gaze at mee
To see such Glory on my dresser board),
Transported be hereat for very joy,
Whose intrest lies herein, and gloriously?
What shall the frosty Rhime upon my locks,
Congeale my brains with Chilly dews, whereby
My Phansie is benumbd: and put in Stocks,


And thaws not into Steams of reeching joy?
Oh! strange Ingratitude! Let not this Frame
Abide, Lord, in mee. Fire mee with thy flame.
Lord, let thy glorious Body send such rayes
Into my Soule, as ravish shall my heart,
That Thoughts how thy bright Glory out shall blaze
Upon my body, may such Rayes thee dart.
My Tunes shall dance then on these Rayes and Caper
Unto thy Praise. When Glory lights my Taper.