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The Furies

With Vertues Encomium. Or, The Image of Honour. In two Bookes of Epigrammes, Satyricall and Encomiasticke. By R.N. [i.e. Richard Niccols]

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Epig. XXIX.

TO THE VERTVOVS AND MY euer honoured Ladie, the Ladie Margaret Wroth, wife to the right Worshipfall Sir Thomas Wroth, Knight.
VVits second vnto none, worthes excellence
My pen oblig'd by that due reuerence
I owe to you, craues leaue by you to show.
What honour to your sex all men doe owe
The sparkling gem, whose worth all men esteeme,
The precious Pearle, which all men rich doe deome,
The dazie which men call the dayes delight,
All three the Romans title Margarite.
Much worth is in the gem, that beares that name,
More worth in you that double beare the same:
Rich is that pearle; but Rich is more your due:
Faire is that flowre, but farre more faire are you:
This may susfice, who seekes, in you shall find,
All faire, Rich, Worth, in bodie name and mind.