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The most elegant and witty epigrams of Sir Iohn Harrington

... digested into fovre bookes: three whereof neuer before published

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31 Against Faustus.
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31 Against Faustus.

In skorne of writers, Faustus still doth hold,
Nought is now said, but hath beene said of old:
Well, Faustus, say my wits are grosse and dull,
If for that word, I giue not thee a Gull:
Thus then I proue that holds a false position,
I say, thou art a man of fayre condition,
A man true of thy word, tall of thy hands,
Of high disent, and left good store of lands,
Thou with false dice and cards hast neuer plaid,
Corrupted neuer Widdow, Wife, nor Maid,
And as for swearing none in all this Reame,
Doth seldomer in speech curse or blaspheme.
In fine, your vertues are so rare and ample,
For all our sonnes thou maist be made a sample.
This I dare sweare, none euer said before,
This I may sweare, none euer will say more.