![]() | Miscellaneous works of George Wither | ![]() |
A Hymn of Thanksgiving to Almighty GOD;
compos'd by this Prisoner, for the gracious restoration of his Wives life and health; who, lying mortally sick (as was supposed) at 52. miles distance during his Imprisonment, in a sad disconsolate condition, and reputed to be dead, about the space of an hour, was miraculously restored.
How soon, my gracious GOD,Hast thou my Prayer heard?
How just, how kind, how Good,
Hast thou to me appear'd?
Blest, be this Day:
For, what did fright my heart last night,
Thou dost allay:
The Clouds, that made, this Morning sad,
Are blown away.
As when his moan to theeThe good Centurian made,
Though I unworthy be,
Like favour I have had
Vouchsaf'd to me;
Nay little less, in my distress
Receiv'd I have,
Then She, whose Son, and onely one,
Was near his grave.
At least, I, so much GraceOf thee, this day have had,
As daign'd to Jairus was
Whose Daughter thou foundst dead,
Upon her Bed:
For, when my Wife, depriv'd of life
Had long time laine,
Thou, heeding there, our Prayers here
Gav'st life again.
Thus she, who first was thine(And so shall alwayes be)
Hath now, been twice made mine,
And, is enjoy'd by me;
For which, to thee
A double praise, LORD, all my dayes,
I ought to give;
Assist I pray, this due to pay
Whilst here I live.
And, let all, who now hearWhat, thou for me hast done,
Help me thy praise declare;
For, not to me alone
Extends this boone;
This Act of Grace, vouchsafed was
That, they thereby
Might at their need, know where to speed
As well as I.
LORD, I have nought to giveFor all thou hast bestown,
But, what I did receive
And was, and is thine own;
Oh! now therefore
This Sacrifice, do not despise
For, I am poor;
Therewith, I shall give self and all,
Who can give more?
![]() | Miscellaneous works of George Wither | ![]() |