The records of the Virginia Company of London | ||
Att a meetinge of ye Magazine Aduenturers
ye 27 Iulij 1621
mr Alderman Iohnson. | mrBarnard. | mr Bull. |
Sr Io: Wolstenholme. | mr Swinhoe. | mr Wiseman. |
mr Deputy Ferrar. | mr Blande. | mr Darnelly. |
mr Wroth. | mr Chamberline. | mr Casewell. |
mrWrote. | mr Essington. | mr Iadwin. |
mr Gibbs. | mr Rogers. | wth divers others. |
Itt is agreed and ordered that Henry Fotherby Servant to Sr Thomas Smith shalbe assigned by the Adventurers to receive such monneys as are now due by Aldermann Iohnson wch is near aboute |
200li00:00 |
And of mr Leete | 281:15:00 |
of mr Essington | 100:00:00 |
of mr Wm Caninge | 092:10:00 |
of mr George Smith | 097:02:04 |
[264] ffor the payment of a bond of 600li with the interest to one mrs
Iane Iohnson a Dutchwoman and the ouerplus to be reserved in Cash
to the said Adventuror's vse.
Itt is agreed further that mr Alderman accordinge to his owne offer
shall have the Sassafras att 30s price p̱ Cent̃: Provided nevertheless
that if ye said Adventurers can wthin a moneths time have a better
price for it then mr Alderman is to be released of his said promise
and they to make their best markett.
Itt is allso agreed that at the monneths end the said Sassafras shalbe
weighed out and mr Alderman is to pay for the same with other
monneys due by him and others in Ianuary next for the sattisfinge
of a bond of 1000li: wth interest to the Chamber of London; And
what shalbe wantinge of the p̳ceed of the said Sassafras and Debtℯ
to make vpp the said bonds wth interest the Adventurers have prom-
ised to make good.
Itt is allso moved that Iohn De Clark shall have order to sell ye Mag-
azine Tobacco att 5s flemish that is to say 30 stivers and not vnder
butt is to take his best markett for advanceinge the said price as
much as he cann.
Mr Alderman Iohnson, and mr Essington, made complainte against
Capt: Bargraue for haveinge much abused them in his sute of Chaun-
cery against them and signified that hee refused last Tearme to come
to tryall whervppon they had made a moc̃on against him and hoped
in the Courte of Chauncery to obteyne a good end att the next Tearme
requiringe the consent of the Adventurers thervnto and for allowance
of Charges of the sute vppon the Magazine Accompt for whose bene-
fitt they sued; The Adventurers Counsell was that since hee refused
to p̳ceed they should seeke to have itt dismissed in ye Chauncery and
take their course att Common Law against Captaine Bargrave and
for allowance of charges they would vppon clearinge of ye matter doe
accordinge to iustice and equitie.
Memor̃: that the Magazine standeth indebted to Martinℯ Hundred
for 8 Cowes sould there att 15li p̱ Cowe. [265]
The records of the Virginia Company of London | ||