University of Virginia Library


Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
Honour the means enjoin'd by Thee,
Make good our apostolic boast,
And own Thy glorious ministry.
We now Thy promised presence claim,
Sent to disciple all mankind,
Sent to baptize into Thy name:
We now Thy promised presence find.
Father, in these reveal Thy Son,
In these for whom we seek Thy face,
The hidden mystery make known,
The inward, pure, baptizing grace.


Jesu, with us Thou always art,
Effectuate now the sacred sign,
The gift unspeakable impart,
And bless Thine ordinance Divine.
Eternal Spirit, descend from high,
Baptizer of our spirits Thou,
The sacramental seal apply,
And witness with the water now.
Oh! that the souls baptized herein
May now Thy truth and mercy feel,
May rise, and wash away their sin—
Come, Holy Ghost, their pardon seal.