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[Come all, whoe'er have set]

Come all, whoe'er have set
Your faces Sion-ward,
In Jesus let us meet,
And praise our common Lord,
In Jesus let us still walk on,
Till all appear before His throne.
Nearer and nearer still
We to our country come,
To that celestial hill,
The weary pilgrim's home,
The New Jerusalem above,
The seat of everlasting love.
The ransom'd sons of God
All earthly things we scorn,
And to our high abode
With songs of praise return,
From strength to strength we still proceed,
With crowns of joy upon our head.


The peace and joy of faith
We every moment feel,
Redeem'd from sin, and wrath,
And death, and earth, and hell,
We to our Father's house repair,
To meet our Elder Brother there.
Our Brother, Saviour, Head,
Our all in all is He;
And in His steps who tread,
We soon His face shall see,
Shall see Him with our glorious friends,
And then in heaven our journey ends.