University of Virginia Library




A housed-up-mouse both night & morn
Tyed to the wheel is Nanny
Sure neer a luckless wench were born
To live as I with granny
I can't stir out a foot from home
But she bawls out for Nanny
All sweethearts they're denied to come
Mens poison unto granny
She calls me crazy wild & mad
& says I'm worse then any
If I just look upon a lad
O fye upon thee granny
Thou now art old but if I knew
When ye were young as Nanny
I'll bound ye were as crazy too
& not to baulk ye granny
Last night Tom Tibbs went bye & bye
The youth was slye & shanny
But soon I read his leering eye
“Slip out an hour from granny”
So up I starts a scheme was had
“—Where are ye going Nanny”
I seek the air I'm sick & bad
Said I—& cheated granny
He led me on saying go with me
& see some pleasure Nanny
& peeped & smiled if we agree
We'll soon clear scores with granny
& honey what ye like the best
Say & I'll do't for Nanny
Well then says I to make me blest
Tom take me from my granny
& so he did & grumping gran
She said 'twou'd turn her scranny
Lud O said I if thats the plan
What made ye marry granny
Ive been now long enough at school
To know both sides a penny


& if in marrying Im a fool
I'm more akin to granny
& though Toms none I'd chuse my sen
If I were like a many
But I'd neer met the chance agen
When once shut up with granny
With her I might have staid & staid
Till classed with wrinkled Nannys
& then gone crazed a slighted maid
—Who would be ruled by grannys