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Hymns and Sacred Lyrics

In Three Parts. By Joseph Cottle

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476. The Duty of Forgiveness.
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476. The Duty of Forgiveness.


God is constantly bestowing
Countless blessings on our head;
He, with mercy, full and flowing,
Gives us all our daily bread.


Hopes, from him, our hearts expanding,
Like a river, still increase:


Hear him cry, with voice commanding,
Love as brethren, dwell in peace!


As we trust a Saviour's merit,
And in heaven aspire to live,
Grant us, Lord! the quiet spirit,
Hearts that injuries can forgive.


Sins of ours, beyond recounting,
At the feet of Christ we lay;
What the virtues of that fountain
Which the whole can wash away!


Shall we anger's deep defilement
Cherish, in despite of heaven?
Shall we spurn at reconcilement
Who so oft have been forgiven?


Shall we, brethren, young, or hoary,
Hope to meet in yonder fold;
Yet, while travelling on to glory,
With them no communion hold?


If offence, that folly gave us,
Should our faith and patience try;
Like our Lord, who died to save us,
Let us meekly pass it by.


What, our solemn obligation,
If true grace our hearts renew,
While we seek our own salvation
To forgive our brother too!