University of Virginia Library


When at the altar
Together kneeling
To Heaven appealing,
My loving wife,


Without one falter
Of faith, we plighted,
With hands united,
Our troth through life.
And now, though anguish
Our souls has smitten,
Sad records written
On cheek and brow;
Doth our love languish?
Ah, no! but nearer,
Mavrone, and dearer
Our hearts beat now.
And though hereafter
Inconstant fortune
With cruel sporting
Our lot deride;
Her mocking laughter
Can never grieve us,
If she but leave us
Still side by side.
That prayer be granted!
And closer leaning,
Each other screening
From ev'ry blast,
We'll face undaunted
Life's wintriest weather,
And fall together,
Love-linked, at last.