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Mundi et Cordis

De Rebus Sempiternis et Temporariis: Carmina. Poems and Sonnets. By Thomas Wade

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The mystic Circle of Eternity
For ever is around our souls revolving:
Sweet flowers are circular; sweet fruits are orb'd,
And in Time's circle live and are absorb'd,
As we and all things; in the circled sky,
The rounded earth and moon, each planet sphered,
Wheel round the mighty circle of the sun
In orbed motion, true and self-involving:
The myriad fiery cirques that robe the azure,
Beaming a golden glory without measure
From the blue height of their constellate throne,
Bear the same sacred figure. This gemm'd ring,
By Nature's great religion thus endear'd,
Symbols my love—a centre-circling thing.