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Scene VI.

—Ashborn in Derbyshire.
Edwin and Athulf.
Still this is gained,—the everlasting word
“Halt!” shall be heard no more; and never more
Shall my heart sicken at its detested sound.
Now, thinking of Elgiva close at hand,
We shall be filled with her victorious cheer.

I would to God that I could think her wise.
All is in jeopardy through her. By Heaven!
I know not which is worst—to come too late,
Or come with broken strength.

To come too late
Is worst by far. When Leolf went from Audley


'Tis true he bade us to beware of haste;
But then he knew not that the enemy's force
Would move on Nantwich, thus, with his at Lea,
To bring them cheek-by-jowl, whilst us it leaves
More laggard than we were.

I'll stake my head
'Twas ne'er by Leolf's wish his force was moved
So far as Lea; but be it so or not,
'Twas moved in error; it can bring no aid
To Leolf and Elgiva; nay, I fear,
'Twill draw the forces of the enemy down
Upon the very wayside of their flight.
Still moved it is, and I deny not now
That we should follow at our best of speed.