University of Virginia Library


Thou ne'er-unloosed and all-embracing zone,
That gird'st the virgin-waist of Earth: not e'en
The famed and fabled belt of Beauty's queen
Possessed one half the charms which thou dost own,
Thou glorious girdle! by the Almighty thrown
Round the work of his hands, as if to screen
It from defilement! loveliness hath been
Thine attribute, and, as upon a throne,
Doth majesty dwell in thee, from the first!
Still, fresh as morning, thou flow'st on around
The world, naught yet thy guarding cirque hath burst
Asunder—not the Earthquake, with his sound
Of thunder, nor the Tempest—nothing durst
Lay hands on, or approach, thee, without awe profound!