University of Virginia Library


What first, what second, and what third? Money!
Still Money! grow but rich and thou shalt be
A shining Light to all Mankind, airfree
From every Speck and Stain quick Slander's Eye
Detects 'neath threadbare Clothes and Poverty,
Tho' in a blessëd Saint! Oh God, that we
From this soulsoiling Moneyleprosy,
Base Thralls! could free ourselves, with Hearts to high
And genuine Sentiments reclaimed, no more
Slaving for that which wise Men fling away,
As Life's chief Good! Oh! what is to be poor?
In Wealth to wallow 'till Truth's heavenly Sway
And high Affections lose their genial Power,
Leaving us allunmixed, untempered Clay!