University of Virginia Library


If all birds of a feather together should meet,
Och! surely the sight would divert you,
To see monkies and beauxs would be surely a treat,
Pack'd up in a family party;
Retailers of scandal, wid venom'd-tooth'd rats,
Crabb'd critics wid owls, politicians wid bats,
And twenty old maids wid a score tabby cats,
What a snug little family party!


Jack-asses and orators, all in big wigs,
Would be braying together so hearty,
Dancing bears, and play actors, and fine learned pigs,
Another tight family party;
Wid placemen and gamesters, all at the odd trick,
And death wid de doctors, monstrously thick,
Beside all de lawyers, along wid Ould Nick,
A monstrous fine family party!
Fine women together, would throng in a herd,
May de likes of 'em never desert you;
An may I make a bull in the shape of a bird,
But I'd like to make one of the party;
May beauty her blessings to honest men bring,
And peace in our island long make us all sing,
While Britannia, her sons, and their father the king,
Make a true loving family party!