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Granted is the Saviour's prayer,
Sent the gracious Comforter;
Promise of our parting Lord,
Jesus to His heaven restored:
Christ; who, now gone up on high,
Captive leads captivity;
While His foes from Him receive
Grace, that God with man may live.
God, the everlasting God,
Makes with mortals His abode;
Whom the heavens cannot contain,
He vouchsafes to dwell in man.
Never will He thence depart,
Inmate of an humble heart;
Carrying on His work within,
Striving till He cast out sin.


There He helps our feeble moans,
Deepens our imperfect groans;
Intercedes in silence there,
Sighs the' unutterable prayer.
Come, Divine and peaceful Guest,
Enter our devoted breast;
Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire,
Kindle there the Gospel-fire.
Crown the agonizing strife,
Principle, and Lord of life;
Life Divine in us renew,
Thou the Gift and Giver too!
Now descend and shake the earth,
Wake us into second birth;
Now Thy quickening influence give,
Blow—and these dry bones shall live!
Brood Thou o'er our nature's night,
Darkness kindles into light;
Spread Thy over-shadowing wings,
Order from confusion springs.
Pain, and sin, and sorrow cease;
Thee we taste, and all is peace;
Joy Divine in Thee we prove,
Light of truth, and fire of love.