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Occasional verse, moral and sacred

Published for the instruction and amusement of the Candidly Serious and Religious [by Edward Perronet]

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A DEFINITION Of the False Arminian,

Commonly called “A Free-Willer.”

He is one that believes he can do what he will.
Do good when he likes, and, if not, can do ill;
[illeg.] do all things, or nothing, as suits him to please,
[illeg.] the law like a horse, or lie down at his ease;


Can have grace when he asks, or as nobly refuse,
And, as seemeth him meet, can improve or abuse;
When he likes commit sin, or continue a saint,
It is no matter which, he can freely repent:
In short, he can merit—to be praised or blam'd,
And brays of its pow'r, to be saved or damn'd.
So much for this wight—he's the king of the crew,
And Religion's reproach, if the Gospel be true;
As assum'd to himself what belongeth to none,
Save only to him, by whom all may be done

Philip iv. 13.
