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A paraphrase upon the canticles

and some select hymns of the New and Old Testament, with other occasional compositions in English verse. By Samuel Woodford

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A Carol For the Epiphany by the III Kings.

1. King.
See how that Glorious Star, at Noon does rise,
And like another Sun new Guilds the Skies!

2. King.
Look how it dares the Ruler of the Light,
And in His clearest Beams appears more bright,
Calling before its time the sluggish Night!

3. King.
Rather the Conquer'd Sun to' its Rays gives way,
And but a Phospher seems to its new Day.
The Conquer'd Sun, &c.

[Chorus trium.]
2. King.
Sure 'tis no common Star, see where it goes
A daring Passage it self only knows;

1. King.
And cross the Heav'n points out to Palestine,
And as it that way leads more bright does shine:
Come let us follow, where it leads, and see

3. King.
What may the Cause of its appearing be,
Whether it set a Star, or some Divinity.
Come let us, &c.
[Chorus alter trium.]

3. King.
Some greater Power, which to direct our Way,
Has chose this borrowed Shape, and glorious Ray;


And when we knew not well which Road to go,

1. King.
Does tow'rds Judea our great Journey show:

2. King.
That way it points, that way we must along,
No fear, when Heaven's out Guide, we should go wrong.
That way, &c.
[Chorus trium tertius.]

1. King.
O're Bethle'm lo! at length the Flame does rest!
Bethle'm, that with the Prince of Peace is blest:

2. King.
Bethle'm, which must by ancient Prophecy
The Tyring-House of the Almighty be,
Where he will cloath Himself with base Humanity.

3. King.
And that's the House, where we our Gifts must bring
To the World's God, and Israel's Infant King.

Chorus Omnium.
Hither 'twas, hither the bright Star did lead,
Let's enter humbly, and approach with Fear:
The Star, which brought, will shew him us more clear,
And be a Glory round the Infants Head:
O this is He! fall down, and worship him! fall down
And kiss his Feet, whose Head ev'n Heav'n thus stoops to Crown!

23. Decemb. 1660.