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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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De ieiunio quatuor temporum.
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De ieiunio quatuor temporum.

De ieiunio quatuor temporum.

Now of fastyng speke we
of four tymes of the ȝer,
that lewet callen, as witten ȝe,
vmbring dayes and fasting der,
whiche dayes by autorite
of Pope Calixt ordenes wer,
four tymes four sithe dayes thre,
for sertayn cause, as schun her.


The furst cause, God hit wotte,
for Marche is hote and moyste i-wys,
And somer is dry and hote,
heruest colde and dry ay is,
Wynter colde and moiste also,
Hyt ys ay by way of kynde,
ther-fore we fasten these tymes oo
For these causes, as I fynde.
In Marche moyste and hote, say I,
We fasten to restreyne oright
hote sturing of lechorye,
that in that mone as most might.
In somer that is dry and hote,
We fasten to wayue auerice
that thenne ys regnyng, God hyt woote,
and men a-bundaunt to that vice.
In heruest that is cold and drye,
we fasten to a-bate pruyde;
in wynter regnes malice, enuye,
ther-for we fasten that ilke tyde.
ffor vche mon that is lyuyng
has part of sum complexion
to these tymes acordyng,
ther-fore me thynke hit gode resoun
To fast tho tymes of the ȝer,
and from these flesly wylles fle,
that of meschef ben grete mater
by way of kynde, as ȝe moun se.

Secunda causa quare quater in anno ieiunamus.

The secunde cause qwy fast we
these four tymes of the ȝer,
schillfully may this be,
that I thenke to schew her.


In Marche ys the forme fastyng
In the furst weke of lenton,
that holy tyme bygynnyng
vices in vs degh moun,
ffor sythen that lechery ys spryngyng,
that tyme gode ys we make vs boun
stifly to be with-stondyng
suche fleschely temptacion.
Sithen that herbe and eke tre
by-gynnes thenne to spryng and sprede,
in vertues ther-fore spryng we
from syn rising, as I rede.
In somer in the witsone weke
we fasten eft with gode entent
to receyue w[i]th hert meke
the Holy Gost that thenne is sent.
And riȝt as þat Gost from aboue
In fourme of fuyr to vs is sent,
so shyn our hertes in gret luf
thurȝe sich fastyng be feruent.
In Septembre þe thrid time is
that we fasten in this maner,
for then fruytes, ȝe knowen þis,
gederide ar for al þe ȝer,
Þerfore þat time to fast & pray
that fruytes sauely moun com in,
skilful thing it is in fay
that God that time on vs wil myn,
And fruytes of gode wercus tho
moun ȝeld to God alweldyng,
that sustinaunce sendis for vs so
Aȝayn wynter then comyng.


In December also fasten we
the ferth time with deuocioun,
quen herbes deȝen & lef of tre
fades & then falles doun,
As to þe world so shulden we
deȝe of vices, & make vs boun
Aȝaynus his natiuite,
that worthily welcum hym we moun.

Tercia causa quare quater in anno ieiunamus ad imitandum iudeos in veteri testamento.

The thrid cause of þis fastyng
is forto sewe with gode entent
our fadirs dede, as in that thyng
of þe Olde Testament.
ffor as we fynden so fastide thay
ffour times of þe ȝer;
bifore pasches þe first was ay,
And bifore qvitsonday in fere,
bifore the fest of cenophegy,
And þe fest of encenny eke;
quat ben þes festes telle wyl I,
that ow nede no firre to seke.

Pascha, id est transitus, quia tunc Christus transiuit de morte ad vitam, vel Iudei de Egipto per Mare Rubrum ad patriam redierunt.

Pasche is as mich to say
As goyng aȝayn, as preues this,
for Crist from deth on Pasch day
to lif turnet with gret blis.
Also in boke rede we
of þe Olde Testament,
that Iewes aȝayn into Iude
form Egipt then wer sent.


De ingressu Israel in Egiptum & exitu de Egipto.

But how to Egipt comen thay
And thai broȝt wer hom aȝayn,
er I go firre I wol say,
the gret of hit wol do ȝou gayn.
In the first boke reden we,
that is cald Genesis,
that Ioseph sold was for monee
Into Egipt al omys,
In quich londe rocoueret he
thurgh God so mych blis,
that thurgh þere kyng of his meyne
most maister he was i-wys.
So felle of hunger seuen ȝer
thurȝe-out that londe continuely,
that Iosephes breþer comen in fer
At hym liflode forto by.
And so, shortly forto telle,
Iacob þe fadir was after sent
In time of hunger þer to dwelle,
And meyne that with hym wer lent.
So lenget thai child after child
ful mony ȝer, þat greuet hom sore
In daunger, & þer men wer wilde,
and alway daunger more & more.
Quat maner sorow soffride thay
the text of holi writt wil telle,
for ȝif I shuld al tell in fay
al to long her shuld I dwelle.
But atte last, shortly to showe,
quen mony veniaunces fallen wer
to Kyng Pharao mony way,
that gryȝt to shutt hom of daunger,


With mych blys hom comen thay
Into hor cuntre alle in fer,
thurȝe Goddis myȝt a wonder way
takes hede & ȝe shyn her,
ffor the Rede Se hym with-drogh,
Goddes peple hom comyng,
And men of Egypt drovnet & slogh,
that after hom wrangly wer suyng.
Then Goddes folk was fayn inogh,
And this song thai couthen syng,
for Egipt louret & thay logh
restoret so to hor likyng.

Cantemus domino, gloriose enim magnificatus est.

And quen þai home thus comen wer,
Anon thai maden pasch day
euen this selue time of þe ȝer,
And we worshipen hit now ay.
Therfore, as I tolde now her,
pasch as mych is to say
As goyng auther fer or ner,
As that time so diden thay.
And ther pasches hade bygynnyng,
quych fest neuer was made bifore,
And in mynde of hor hoom-comyng
so honuret thai hit euer more.
And in that fest to hor offryng
A lomb thai toke thurȝe Goddes lore,
that well miȝt be in tokenyng
of Crist, þat suffrid paynus sore;
ffor he is verray lomb of lif
that offrid hym-self on rode tre
forto stynt the deules strif,
And that wer thral to make hom fre,


ffrom deth also to lif he went,
therfore this fest may callid be
goyng, as I haue nowe ow kent,
for fro deth to lif ȝode he.

De festo pentecostes & quare fuit sic vocatum a Iudeis & primo celebratum. Pentecostes dicitur a penta, quod est quinque, & coste, quod est decem, quia quinquies decem dies erant a die agni immolati vsque ad legem datam, & a resurreccione Christi vsque ad missionem spiritus sancti.

Now of þe secunde solemnite
that Iewes maden, as I saide her,
And quat pentecost may be,
declar I wil in gode maner.
Pentecost is as mich to say
As fyfe sith ten, for so preue I,
for from pasches into þat day
ar fifty daies witerly.
And als in þe Olde Testament
from pasch day, as I saide bifore,
that þe lomb with gode entent
was offrid of our faders ȝore,
Into þat day of pentecoste,
In quych þe lagh ȝyuen was
to Moyses that God louede moste,
fifty daies fully thow has.
ffor the old lagh witerly.
to hym in fuyr was ȝiuen tho,
And in fuyr thurȝe his mercy
the Holi Gost to vs also.
And the fifty day i-wys
from pasch day þe laȝe ȝyuen was,
And the fifty day with blys
the Holi Gost was sent thurȝe gras.


Therfore to make wel acordyng
the old laȝe & þe newe in fer,
the fifty day, with-out lesyng,
And þe self time of þe ȝer
Ihesu Crist our heuen kyng
sende his gost doun to his her
In fourme of fuyr on hym to myng,
As to Moyses in al maner.
Thus in þe mount of Synay
was ȝyuen the laȝe to Moyses tho,
the Holi Gost als, nys no nay,
In mount Synay eke also.
This preues that þe Holi Gost
is verray confirmacioun
of both laȝes mater most,
In quych lys al perfeccioun,
So þat þe Iewes ȝet þis day,
In quat place þai ben dwellyng,
honouren þes two festis ay
this selue time in alle thing.
But one entencioun han thay
And we anoþer in our doyng,
ffor thei so honouren pasch day
bi-cause of hor aȝayn-comyng,
And this fest worshipen we
ffor Cristes resurreccioun,
ffor from deth þen turnet he
to life for our saluacioun.
Witsontide als worship þai,
for hor laȝe was ȝyuen hom tho,
And we worshipen þat ilk day
for sendyng of his gost also.


De festo Scenofegie & qualiter fuerat introductum. Quare apparet Senophegia festum tabernaculorum in memoriam quadraginta Annorum quibus fuerant in deserto.

The thrid fest I speke of her
that Iewes fastediden so bifore,
scenophegy with-outen wer
callide it was, is callid ful ȝore,
And honourede þe fiftene day
of Septembre monyth ich ȝer,
And al a seuenyȝt, nys no nay,
thai mensket hit in gode maner.
And cause now I shal ȝou say,
for sumtime Iewes wer dwellyng
fourty ȝer from toun away
In desert at gret likyng,
And then in tentis dwellid thay
And with manna fed i-wys,
therfore in mynde of this thing ay
this fest was honouret with gret blys;
And fest of tentis callide it was,
for certeyn wonyng hade thei non,
but tentis piȝten in diuerse plas,
As men that ay wer boun to gone.

De quarto festo vocato encennia niorum.

The furth fest thei fast bifore,
Encennia hit callide was,
ffor temple halowyng & no more
this name skilfully hit has.
And, as Ierom makes mynde,
the Iewes temple was halowet thrye,
enes in Septembre, as I fynde,
by Salomon kyng solempnely.


Eft quen þe Iewes comen wer
from Babyloyn out of bandoun,
halowide it was, as I say her,
In March with gret deuocioun.
the thrid time halowet was hit,
quen Antiochus þe grete kyng
defoulide hit & Iewis flitt
with mavmetry þer-in dwellyng.
Iudas Machabeus tho
halowide then hit, as I ȝou say,
In Decembre, after sich wo
euen þe fyue & thritty day,
And that halowyng vset was
In Cristes time, as rede we,
and as sayn Ion her mynde mas
by this clause, as ȝe moun se:

Iohannes x: ffacta sunt Encennia in Ierusolimis, & yemps erat.

therfore to sewe our faders dede
that four sith fasten in this maner,
therfore four sith hit is nede
we fasten, that now lyuen her.

Quinta ratio quare quatuor in anno ieiunamus. Ieronimus & Iohannes Damascenus.

The fift cause qvy fasten we
four times of þe ȝer,
wel & skilfully may be
for þis skil, þat ȝe shyn [her].
ffor mon, as I saide now riȝt,
of four complexions made is,
of sanguine, colrie, is iche wight,
malencolie or fleme i-wys.


sanguine in March has most myȝt
to meue mon to do amys,
Colre in somer day & nyȝt
maistres then qver-so he is,
In heruest malencoly regnyng,
In wynter fleme, I saide bifore,
And of alle thes ich mon lyuyng
has sumquat, ouþer las oþer more.
Therfore in Marche fasten we
sanguine stifly to with-stonde
And fleschly wille, for cause is he
of leccherie in iche londe,
ffor qvo-so most is made of hit,
lecchourous & liȝtsum is,
therfore to wayfe that be our wit
this time we fasten wel i-wys.
In somer we fasten forto qvace
colre that then aboundaunt is,
for qvo-so most of hit has,
wrawes & treccherous is i-wys;
Therfore in somer fasten we
quen that colre is regnyng,
sich mys-mater, leue ȝe me,
stifly to be with-stondyng.
In heruest fast we, as þe wise,
forto ouer-come skilfully
Malencoly & couetise,
that in that time has maistry,
ffor qvo-so most of hit has,
coueytous he is kyndly,
And mournyng, as boke mynde mas,
that Isidre writes witerly.
In wynter fleme, as I fynde,
is aboundaunt most kene,
ffor then water & eke wynde
is most violent, bout wene,


And thai þat most han of þat kynde,
slawe þai ben, as oft is sene,
And maset also in hor mynde,
of þat complexioun þat bene.
Therfore þat mater forto qvace,
we fasten þat time of þe ȝer,
thus four complexiouns þow has
forto with-stonde in gode maner.

Sexta ratio, quoniam ver comparatur aeri, estas igni, autumpnus terre, hiemps aque.

The sext cause may wel be
for March time liknet is
to þe air, as reden we,
somer to fuyr, nothing amys,
heruest to þe erth her,
wynter to water witerly,
And to þes times of þe ȝer
four complexiouns lykken I.
Therfore in Marche we fasten ay
that in March may ouer-comen be
Aire of pride to Goddis pay,
sithen þat in vs so maistres he.
In somer fasten we also
that fuyr & hete & couetise
may be exteynt, & sich wo
wayuet wel to make vs wise.
In heruest is þe thrid fastyng,
erth & cold to put away,
of priuey malice in hert dwellyng
to þat complexioun acordyng ay.
In wynter fastyng ordeynt wes
to putt liȝtship out of mynde,
And water of vnstidfastnes
Acordyng to þat, as I fynde.


Septima ratio, quoniam ver refertur Ad puericiam, estas ad adolescenciam, Autumpnus ad maturitatem, yems ad senectutem.

The seuent cause, as clercus sayn,
qvy we thus fasten may wel be,
for March is liknet, is noȝt to layn,
to childhede wel, as reden we.
Somer to ȝouth liknet is,
that groȝyng time is cald expres,
heruest to monnes eld i-wys,
in whiche is kyndle soburnes,
Winter to elde wihthouten wer
is likenet to wel and skilfully,
wen mon is passit sixty ȝer,
in four our lif thus diuise I.
In Marche therfore fasten we ay
that we moun verray childer be
by innocentschip, as I say,
and clannes of lyf, leue ȝe me.
In somer faste we, in gode fay,
that w[e] moun ȝong be of pouste,
alle vices to putte away
thurgh studfastenesse in that degre.
In heruest fast we witterly
to be sober and meke also,
as to mon falles couenable
when ȝouth and wildschip is ago.
In winter fasten we boute faynyng,
to be old and wise i-wys
by holy dedes and gode lyuyng,
as that clerkes leues this,
Or to amende by suche fastyng
that we han done byfore amys,
in tho eldees God despising
so to amende vs gode hit is.


Octaua racio. Magister Willelmus Altissiodorensis & Ieronimus.

The eght cause schowes expresse
tho clerkes in Latyn alleget her.
for to amende by suche gode-nesse
our gultyng four tyme[s] of the ȝer,
And our fasting dayes thre,
Wednsday, Fryday, and Setterday,
ffor Wednesse-day solde was, reden we,
Crist to the Iewes, in gode fay,
On Friday deghet he on the tre;
Setter-day in sepultre lay,
for sorowe of moder and his meisne
that day we fasten, sothe to say.