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The Works in Verse and Prose of Nicholas Breton

For the First Time Collected and Edited: With Memorial-Introduction, Notes and Illustrations, Glossarial Index, Facsimilies, &c. By the Rev. Alexander B. Grosart. In Two Volumes

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A Briefe of Sorrowe.

Mvse of sadnesse neere Deaths fashion,
Too neere madnesse, write my passion;
Paines possesse mee, Sorrowes spill mee,
Cares distresse mee, all would kill mee;
Hopes haue faild mee, Fortune foild mee,
Feares haue quaild mee, all haue spoild mee:
Woes haue worne mee, sighes haue soakt mee;
Thoughts haue torne mee, all haue broke mee.
Beauty strooke me, Loue hath catcht mee,
Death hath tooke mee, all dispatcht mee.