University of Virginia Library

THE AVCTORS Commemoration for SONDAY.

[Remember here the ioyes of Heauen]

Remember here the ioyes of Heauen,
The principall blisfull state of seuen.

The Translators Application.

Thalmighty woorkeman ended now, his worke which he dyd frame,
Resting from woorke he blest this day, and sanctified the same.
As one that greatly dyd reioyce, to see all thinges so well,
VVith glory infinite he restes, where Saintes and Angels dwell.

[This Sabbothes rest to keepe let vs.]

This Sabbothes rest to keepe let vs.
To enioy Heauens ioyes most precious.

[Ther is perfection and flowre of al fairenes]

Ther is perfection and flowre of al fairenes,
VVhere simplest stuffe is gold and precious stone,
There is small felicitie euermore faultles,
VVhose pleasures there surpasse all mencion:
There Christe our king for the saluacion,
Of those that liue in his feare and him loue,
Cælestiall ioyes preparde hath many a one,
For ay to dure, in glorious Heauen aboue.

[VVho would be carefull, with deuoute diligence]

VVho would be carefull, with deuoute diligence,
Digestly to thincke on the ioyes celestiall,
Might well discerne by true intelligence,
That worldly pleasure is of price but small:
VVhich as deceitfull, would nought esteeme at all,
VVhen he dooth behold with great security,
That precious Pallace and place imperiall,
Ordeyned for Christes elect eternally.

[VVhen men to things temporall doo beare affection]

VVhen men to things temporall doo beare affection,
They least esteeme of euerduring blisse,
VVherevpon in nature ryseth such corruption,
That oft who on earth most prosperous is:
Of the heauenly beautitude most of all mis,
Their carnall lust a bondage dooth become,
To them selues, who then would consider of this,
For transitorie pleasure should eternall paines shone.

[VVe shall in the heauens, of God haue inspection]

VVe shall in the heauens, of God haue inspection,
In soule and body endowred with dignity,
Yea and in this bodyly shape shall we haue cognition,
Eche one of other, before Gods great maiesty:
VVhen as thus glorified in soule and eke in body,
Such ioyes shall we taste, and endles consolation,
That in the midst, our sauiour triumphing with victory
VVe shall shine seuen times more dearer then the son.

[Nathles in respect of that eternall glory]

Nathles in respect of that eternall glory,
All worldly ioy is but fond ianglyng,
And beauty braue is but deformity,
Sweete thinges are sowre, myrth, very mournyng,
Or what so euer other delectable thyng,
All is required but payne in comparison,
And worldly wealth is very vomentyng,
In respect of heauenly store of graces many one.

[VVhen humane soule her selfe so dooth demene]

VVhen humane soule her selfe so dooth demene,
That she loues death, and leaues lyfe spirituall,
Both God she then forgetteth quite and cleane,
Vertue dispisde, she flowes in sinnes sensuall,

Contemning Christe, obayes to Belyall,
And what her selfe is, eke forgetting she,
For heauenly ioy, feeles sorowes infernall,
For life she tastes death then perpetually.

[Resume thy strength nowe as a knight spirituall]

Resume thy strength nowe as a knight spirituall,
Fyght for the heauen, winne it with diligence,
The fende, the fleshe, and vyces mundyall,
Quite to subuert, by deuyne sapience,
If weake thou be, craue God for thy defence,
Hauing good hope by Gods prouision,
Through watchfull care, and humble pacience,
VVith tryumph thou shalt win an heauenly crowne.

[Remember man this solace shalbe sure]

Remember man this solace shalbe sure,
Altogeather voyde of worldly variaunce,
It shall without dreade or distance ay endure,
But in this lyfe is no continuance:
Ritches, pouertie, lyfe, and death, are but a traunce,
VVherefore in this worldly mutable estate,
Let vs seeke to liue after God his ordinaunce,
Least of that lasting blis, we make our selues frustrate.

[Nowe Heauens and Earth for witnes in I call]

Nowe Heauens and Earth for witnes in I call,
How God disposeth for mans direction,
Perpetuall payne, and ioy celestiall,
Vertue, vice, health, and perdition:
Put to our choyse by free election,

VVherefore our hartes and eyes lets eleuate,
To God, the geuer of all grace deuine,
Of him to craue, that he the fyrme estate,
Of lastyng blisse would graunt vs all in fine,
FINIS Of the Contemplacion for SONDAY.