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Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806

printed from the original manuscripts in the library of the American Philosophical Society and by direction of its committee on historical documents

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[Clark, first draft:]

7th. Octr 1805 Monday.

I feel myself verry unwell, all the canoes in the water, we
Load and set out, after fixing all our Poles &c. &c. The after
noon Cloudy proced on passing maney bad rapids, one
canoe that in which I went in front sprung a Leak in passing
the 3rd. rapid.

Set out at  oClock P M & proceeded on 
N. 80°.W.  mile, passed a bad rappid 
S. W.  1 ½  mile to the L. Side bend 
West  ½  mile to R. Sd. passd. a rapid 
S W.  mile to a Left hand bend 
N. 70 W.  1 ½  miles passed a rapid R. 
S. 60 W.  1 ½  miles d°. bad to L. S. 
West  miles passd. a rapid ½ a Creek on the left at 2 miles
to a right hand bend 
S. 10°. E  1 ½  mile to a Left B. passed a rapid 
N. 60 E  1 ½  m. to a R. bend passed a rapid 
South  To a bend on the Left Side passed a bad rapid 
West  in the left hand bend 
N W.  ½  a mile to a bad rapid 
S. 70°. W  1 ½  miles to a bend on the right 
S W.  miles to a bend on the left at the mo. of a run opposit
to which we camped, [blank space in MS.] from
water Encamped on a pool [to the] right, narrows 
20  above for 6 miles all [w]ay 


Page 98

October 7th. Monday 1805

I continue verry unwell but obliged to attend every thing
all the Canoes put into the water and loaded, fixed our Canoes
as well as possible and Set out as we were about to Set out
we missd. both of the Chiefs who promised to accompany us, I
also missed my Pipe Tomahawk which could not be found.

The after part of the day cloudy proceded on passed 10
rapids which wer dangerous the Canoe in which I was Struck
a rock and Sprung a leak in the 3rd. rapid, we proceeded on
20 [19] miles and Encamped on a Stard. point opposit a run.
passed a Creek small on the Lard. Side at 9 miles, a Short
distance from the river at 2 feet 4 Inches N. of a dead toped
pine Tree had buried 2 Lead Canisters of Powder

Had the Canoes unloaded examined and mended a Small
leake which we discovered in a thin place in her Side passed
Several Camps of Indians to day

our Course and distance Shall be given after I get to the
forks. &c. which the Indians Say is the last of the bad water
untill we get to the great falls 10 day below, where the white
people live &c. [The Lodges are of Sticks set in form of roof of
a house & covered with mats and straw