CXXII. Virginia Company. A Commission to William Tracy
July 12, 1620
Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 3 (22), p. 123
Document in New York Public Library. A Copy
List of Records No. 189
A Commission graunted by vs. the Treasuror Counsell and Company for
Virginia vnto ∥Will͠m Tracy Esqr∥ for a voyag intended to[217]
Whereas wee the Treasuror Councell and Company for Virginia for the
better advauncemt and supporte of that Plantac̃on haue given leaue vnto
such as shall furnish out our good Shipp of Bristoll called the supply of
the burden of Threescore and Tenn Tuns or thereaboutℯ to passe wth all
convenient expedic̃on vnto Virginia, William Tracy Esquire beinge or-
dained to be the master and Captaine therof and to Comaund and governe
the said Shipp and Marryners and alsoe all the passengers put abord for
the said Voyage to be landed in Virgina for a p̱ticuler plantac̃on beinge
to the number of sixty five p̱sons or thereaboutℯ wth all such necessary
p̳visions as are shiped for their vse and necessary releife We doe therefore
hereby Charge and Comaund him to take his direct course accordinge to
his best skill and knowledge vnto the said plantac̃on in Virginia and there
to land and put on shore all the said p̱sons and goodℯ soe shipped of what
kind soeu
9. Straightley chargeinge and Comaundinge the said William
Tracy to sett saile from England w
th the first oportunyty of wind and to
make all possible speed he may to the Port intended and not to Interupt
any shipinge of the sub
ts of any his Ma
ts ffrendℯ or allies or any other
9 duringe his said voyage. But if he shalbe Chased or encountred
by any man of warr or other saile whatsoeu
9 That shall goe about to hinder
his p̳ceedingℯ or to doe him any violence In such cases accordinge to the
power graunted to vs by his Ma
tie We will and comaund him w
th all his
power and vttermost endevor to repell resist and defend himself and our
honors against the vniust force of what nation soeu
9 aswell in his passage
outwardℯ and homewardℯ, as in all our harbors and Rivers Members of
the Territories of our Plantac̃on And this our Com̃ shalbe his sufficient
warr̃ herin In Wittnesse wherof wee haue herevnto annexed our Comon
Seale. Dated by order of a generall Co
rt houlden for Virginia the twelfth
day of July in the yeare of our lord God .1620. And in the eightenth yeare
of the Kingℯ Ma
ties raigne of England fraunce and Ireland And of Scot-
land the three and ffiftieth.
Sealed in presence of. Fra: Carter