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Glory, honour, thanks, and praise
To Jesu's conquering name!
Scarcely saved I am by grace,
Yet saved by grace I am;
Pluck'd from the devourer's teeth,
Lo! I lift my joyful eyes,
From the gates of hell, and death,
To life eternal rise.
Yes, the lion is once more
Defrauded of his prey,
Though he thrust at me full sore,
I am not fallen away;
Satan long'd my soul to seize,
Would like wheat have sifted me,
Jesus pray'd, and kept me His,
And His I still shall be.
He from sin who saved me now,
Is ready still to save:
Jesus, at Thy feet I bow,
And strength in Thee I have,
Bless Thee for my trials past,
Trust Thy constant aid to prove,
All my care, my soul I cast
On Thy redeeming love.
Jesus, in Thy saving name
I steadfastly believe,
All the help I humbly claim,
Which Thou art raised to give:


Still into Thy bosom take,
O my Saviour, Brother, Friend,
Love me for Thy mercy's sake,
And love me to the end.