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Hymn 3.

[But now, my gracious God, Thy love]

But now, my gracious God, Thy love
Hath taught me better things:
My all is given me from above,
From Thee salvation springs.
Freely Thy love delights to save,
And ransoms without price;
Mercy Thou wilt on sinners have,
And not our sacrifice.
Jesus for me the winepress trod,
He paid our debt alone,
He bought our pardon with His blood,
And did for all atone.


We nothing think, or speak, or do,
Thy favour to procure:
But when my heart believes Thee true,
The grace to me is sure.
'Tis not of him that wills or runs,
That labours or desires:
In answer to my Saviour's groans,
Thy love my breast inspires:
The meritorious Cause I see,
That precious blood Divine,
And I, since Jesus died for me,
Shall live for ever Thine.