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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia, 1965 :

the charter and the general ordinances of the city

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Plumbing, Sewers and Sewage Disposal.[358]

Article I. Administration.

§ 22.1-1. Repealed.

§ 22.1-1.1. Adoption of Plumbing Code.

§ 22.1-2. Repealed.

§ 22.1-2.1. Amendments to Plumbing Code; filling in blanks.

§ 22.1-3. Plumbing inspector—Powers and duties generally; engaging in
business; obstructing inspector.

§ 22.1-4. Same—Duty as to notices and certificates; records and reports;
inspections generally.

§ 22.1-5. Plumbing board.

§ 22.1-6. Qualifications for registration as master plumber.

§ 22.1-7. Bond for master plumbers or persons engaged in plumbing

§ 22.1-8. Qualification for registration as journeyman plumber.

§ 22.1-9. Re-examination of applicants for registration.

§ 22.1-10. Certificates of registration for plumbers.

§ 22.1-11. Plumbing permits to be granted only to master plumbers;
who may do plumbing work.

§ 22.1-12. Certificate of proficiency.

§ 22.1-13. When plumbing permit and inspection required.

§ 22.1-14. Repealed.

Article II. Repealed.

§§ 22.1-15 to 22.1-23. Repealed.

Article III. Repealed.

§§ 22.1-24 to 22.1-31. Repealed.

Article IV. Repealed.

§§ 22.1-32 to 22.1-45. Repealed.

Article V. General Regulations.

§§ 22.1-46 to 22.1-48. Repealed.


Page 398.1

§ 22.1-49. Removal of obstructions.

§ 22.1-50. Injuring sewers, manholes, etc.

§§ 22.1-51 to 22.1-56. Repealed.

Article VI. Sewers.

§ 22.1-57. Separate building sewers.

§ 22.1-58. Repealed.

§ 22.1-59. Sewers in relation to water and gas lines.

§§ 22.1-60 to 22.1-64. Repealed.

Article VII. Repealed.

§§ 22.1-65 to 22.1-69. Repealed.

Article VIII. Repealed.

§§ 22.1-70 and 22.1-71. Repealed.

No Page Number


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such registration is revoked, the holder thereof shall be given
written notice of such charges and of time and place where the
plumbing board will proceed to hear evidence in regard thereto,
and he shall be entitled to be present at such meeting and present
evidence on his behalf.

The fee for each original certificate of registration shall be two
dollars and each renewal thereof one dollar, which shall be paid
into the city treasury before such registration shall be effective.

Sec. 22.1-11. Plumbing permits to be granted only to master
plumbers; who may do plumbing work.

Plumbing permits shall be issued only to a duly registered
master plumber or to an authorized employee of a business
employing such a master plumber. All permits shall be signed by
a master plumber or on his behalf by an authorized employee. It
shall be the responsibility of each person to keep on file with the
plumbing inspector a list of employees authorized to sign the
master plumber's name for issuance of a permit, and the
plumbing inspector, so long as such employee's name is listed,
may issue a permit to such employee and hold the master
plumber liable for compliance to this chapter for the job for which
the permit was issued.

Only a master plumber, a journeyman plumber or individuals
under the immediate supervision of a master or journeyman
plumber shall be allowed to make any connection with sewer,
drain, soil, waste, vent or water pipe, or make any alterations or
additions to any sewer, drain, soil, waste, vent or water pipe;
provided, that this shall not prevent the digging of ditches by
individuals without the presence of a master or journeyman
plumber on the job.

Journeyman plumbers, who are duly registered as herein before
set forth, performing plumbing work shall be employees of a
master plumber or of a business employing a master plumber, to
whom a permit has been issued. (10-19-64.)


Page 420

Sec. 22.1-12. Certificate of proficiency.

(a) Application; examination; certificate prerequisite to license;
expiration of certificate issued to representative of firm or
Every person desiring to enter the field of plumbing
within the jurisdiction of the provisions of this Code and other
ordinances, rules and regulations concerning plumbing in the city
shall give notice of such fact in writing to the plumbing inspector.
Such person shall be a master plumber or employ a master
plumber in good standing at the time of such notice. After this
notice, the plumbing board shall issue a certificate of proficiency
which shall entitle such person to obtain from the commissioner
of revenue a license[359] to engage in the business of plumbing
contractor in the city, upon payment of the license tax prescribed
by law therefor. Every such certificate issued to a firm or
corporation shall be valid as long as the individual holding a valid
master plumber's registration card, who applied therefor on
behalf of such firm or corporation, is in the employ or actively
engaged in the business of such firm or corporation. In the event
such individual leaves the employ of such firm or corporation or is
no longer actively engaged in such business, such certificate shall
forthwith become null and void and such firm or corporation shall
not be authorized to engage in such business until some other
individual of such firm or corporation conforms to the provisions
of this section; provided, however, that the superintendent of
inspections may permit such firm or corporation to continue to
engage in business for a period of up to ninety days.

(b) Nontransferable; duration. Certificates issued under the
provisions of this section shall not be transferable and shall
continue in force as long as such persons are engaged in the
business of a plumbing contractor or as long as such duly
accredited master plumber is employed by or actively engaged in
the business of such firm or corporation.

(c) Notice of change in place of business; surrender of
certificate upon retirement, etc.
It shall be the duty of every
person holding such certificate to give immediate written notice


Page 421
to the plumbing inspector of any change in the place of business
or retirement from business of such person. If such person retires
from business for which a certificate was issued, such certificate
shall immediately be surrendered to the plumbing inspector.

(d) Certificates previously issued. All certificates heretofore
issued to any person to engage in the business of a plumbing
contractor shall be valid and effectual until the same becomes
null and void as provided in this section.

(e) Investigation of fitness of certificate holders; revocation or
suspension of certificates.
The plumbing board may, on its own
motion, and shall, on receipt of complaint, investigate the fitness
of any certified master or journeyman plumber to continue to
hold such certificate. If, after hearing, the board finds the
individual no longer fit to hold the certificate for which he had
previously qualified, the board may revoke or suspend such
certificate under such conditions as it deems warranted by its
findings. (10-19-64; 7-3-72; 1-6-75.)


For state law requiring state license of plumbers, see Code of Va., §§ 58-297
to 58-303.1.

Sec. 22.1-13. When plumbing permit and inspection required.

A plumbing permit and inspection shall be required whenever
the city furnishes an applicant with water to supply plumbing
fixtures; provided, that owners of property outside the city,
desiring to connect to a city water main, shall make written
application therefor to the city manager. If the city manager
approves such application, he shall grant a permit for such
connection provided that the owner executes a contract with the
city agreeing to comply with all city plumbing ordinances.

A plumbing permit shall be required for the installation,
roughing-in or changing of any sewer, waste, vent, trap, or
fixture. The word "fixture" shall be construed to mean each water
closet, sink, bathtub, shower, lavatory, urinal, wash tray, floor
drain, washing machine connection, disposal or any water using
apparatus which is connected to the waste or drainage system
through a trap.

Except for emergency plumbing work, for which a plumbing
permit would be required, all plumbing permits shall be applied
for and issued before the commencement of plumbing work on the
job. It shall be the duty of the master plumber, as soon after the


Page 422
emergency as is possible, to notify the plumbing inspector of the
emergency work done and to secure a permit therefor. (10-19-64.)

Sec. 22.1-14. Repealed by ordinance passed 6-4-73.

Article II. Repealed.

Secs. 22.1-15 to 22.1-23. Repealed by ordinance passed 6-4-73.

Article III. Repealed.

Secs. 22.1-24 to 22.1-31. Repealed by ordinance passed 6-4-73.

Article IV. Repealed.

Secs. 22.1-32 to 22.1-45. Repealed by ordinance passed 6-4-73.

Article V. General Regulations.

Secs. 22.1-46 to 22.1-48. Repealed by ordinance passed 6-4-73.

Sec. 22.1-49. Removal of obstructions.

In case of any stoppage in a public sewer, the city shall remove
the obstruction. If the stoppage occurs in the sewer between a
house and the city sewer main, the property owner whose
property connects with the public sewer shall remove the
obstruction. If he fails to remove the obstruction within
forty-eight hours after notice from the city manager, the
obstruction may be removed by the city and the cost thereof,
together with twenty per cent thereof, shall be paid by the owner
or occupant. (10-19-64.)

Sec. 22.1-50. Injuring sewers, manholes, etc.

No person, while engaged in the construction of house sewer or
otherwise, shall injure, trim, break or remove any portion of any


For state law authorizing cities to regulate plumbing and sewer connections,
see Code of Va., §§ 32-61, 32-407.

As to toilet facilities in food establish ments, see § 13-17 of this Code. As to gas,
see ch. 14. As to toilet facilities for swimming pools, see § 31-16. As to
applicability of plumbing regulations to trailer courts, see § 33-9. As to distance
of water service line from sewer service line, see § 35-20.