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The Prisoner of Love

By F. W. Orde Ward (F. Harald Wiliams)

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In all their affliction he was afflicted.”—Isa. lxiii. 9.

No word of mortal hath depicted
The sufferings which the Saviour bore,
In all affliction so afflicted,
In all our sorrow feeling more;
He was the World's Eternal Lover,
And now He wooeth us as well,
For day by day doth still discover
New love that makes a heaven of hell.
He was of old the great Refiner,
But He endured the most His flame,
And (if it could be) came Diviner
Out to fresh Glory from His shame;
The fires were fierce, the crosses cruel,
But (though for us) He tasted first
Each Passion and He was the Fuel,
And always for our love athirst.
He heareth now our fears and fretting
And with us stands in stormy flood,
If we forget Him unforgetting,
And offers still His Precious Blood.
No breach of law, no jot or tittle
Of wrong that troubles not our rest,
No least of sins however little,
But pierce with pain His bleeding Breast.