University of Virginia Library


Sancti [O]swaldi regis et martiris

Seint Oswold þe holy king of þe on ende of Engelonde
Kyng was as uel þulke tyme of al Norþhomberlond
Cristen man he was god and mid al is poer
He huld up þe lawe of Cristendom & teiȝte uer and ner
For he was king ar Cristendom purlich istabled were
He broȝte þerto al is men so wisliche he gan hom lere
To þe princes he sende of Scotlond & bede þat hi him sende
An wise clerk to wise is men hore lif forto amende
Hi him sende an holyman þat ihote was Aydan
Þat wende an[d] prechede al is lond & turnde many a man
Þoru is p[re]chinge & seint Oswold þat to alle godnesse him drou
Cristendom into al þe lond stable was inou
Seint Oswold made þis holiman bissop inis londe
And made him al is conseiler & herede Godes sonde
He nedude noþing wiþoute him wiþ him he huld faste
And were here togadere al hore lif & in heuene attelaste
A day as he sat and et seint Oswold þis holyman
And þis holyman bi him þe bissop Aydan
A sergant sede þat wiþoute poueremen þer were
And bede som god for Godes loue & god was þat me hom bere
Þe king nom inou of is mete þat biuore him stod
And sende þer of largeliche hom þat bede god
A diss of seluer he nom ek þat biuore him was ido
And brak him al to smale peces and sende him out also
Þe bissop sat and þis biheld as he were in þoȝte
Bi þe hond þe king he nom & a swete word out broȝte


Ne rote he sede neuere þis hond ac iblessed beo he sede
And euere hol and sond an eorþe he beo þat dude so god a dede
His bone was fol wel ihurd for it fel attelaste
Þat heþenmen inis lond worrede him wel uaste
He stod aȝen mid al is miȝte so þat a day hi come
And imette hom wiþ hore ost and bataille nome
Atte toune of Marsfeld hy smite togadere faste
Ac seint Oswold þis holyman aslawe was attelaste
And imartired of þis luþer men for oure Louerdes loue
Al hi tohewe is holy bodi þo hi were aboue
Ac hi nemiȝte for no þing make none wonde
In noþer of is holi honde ac smite is of hol & sonde
As hi beoþ ȝute of as uair hyu as hi euere were
And for fair relike iholde as me may ise[o] þere
He was of eiȝte and þritti ȝer þo he imartred was
And nye ȝer he hadde king ibe[o] bot lite wile it nas
Nou seint Oswold þe martir oure erende so beode
Þat oure Louerd us sende is swete help & alle þat habbeþ neode