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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Quarta causa, statym post ieiunium debemus corpus domini accipere.

The furthe cause, in gode fay,
opon reson foundet ys,
ffor Goddes body we schulden ay
receyue clene and not amys,
And w[ith] abstenence verray
of mete and drinke whit-out fayntys
m[e]ke hym-self a mon wel may,
and wildeschip so wel wayue i-wys;
Ther-fore after suche fastyng,
hit semes clene that we schuld be
And eke worthi in al thyng
to receyue his body fre.


And ensaumpul we moun take,
as our faderes han vs kent,
and as book mynd conen make
in the Olde Testament,
ffor er thay maken sacrifice
of the lompe on Pasche day,
thay th[o]ghten, as men that wer wyse
pleysaunt be to Goddes pay,
And eten erbes þat bytter wer
and honysokles as I say,
the wiche abaten in gode maner
fleschely lust by al way,
That thay might clene and worthi be
to sacre that lombe after hor lawe;
ensampel of wiche sewen now we,
And after hor doyng for to draw,
And this tyme pyne vs whit fastyng
forto receyue worthily
the lombe of lyfe to his liking,
that whit his blode so con vs by.