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The Complete Works of Sir Philip Sidney
In Three Volumes
Sidney, Philip (1554-1586)
I, II.
Volume I, [Volume II]
Volume III
Volume IV
The First Booke or Acte of the Countess of Pembrookes ARCADIA
The Second Booke or Acte
The Thirde Booke or Acte.
[O sweete glove the witness of my secrett Blisse]
[The Merchaunt Man, whome gayne dothe teache ye Sea]
[The Merchaunt man, whome many seas have taughte]
[Phaebus Farewell, a sweeter Sainte, I serve]
[Synce that the Stormy Rage of passyons darcke]
[Hearke playntfull Ghostes, Infernall furyes harcke?]
[Lyke those sicke folckes in whome straunge Humors flowe]
[Howe ys my Sunne (whose Beames are shyning brighte]
[This Cave ys Darcke, but yt had never Lighte]
[A Banisshed man longe barrd from his Desyer]
[My true Love hathe my harte, and I have his]
[O wordes whiche falle like Som̄er Deawe on mee]
[Doo not Disdayne O streighte upraysed Pyne?]
[Sweete Roote say thow, the Roote of my Desyer?]
[Yow goodly Pynes whiche still with brave assent]
[Lyke Dyvers Flowers whose dyvers Beutyes serve]
[Looke up fayre Liddes, the Treasures of my harte]
[Whye doest thow haste away]
[O, Stealing tyme, the Subject of Delay]
[My Lute within thy self, thy Tunes enclose?]
[When Twoo Sunnes doo appeare]
[Aurora nowe thow shewest thy blusshing Lighte]
[Beuty hathe force to catche the Humane sighte]
[Let him drincke this, Whome longe in Armes to folde]
[Gett hence fowle greeffe, the Cancker of the mynde]
[Vertue Bewty and Speeche, did stryke, wounde, Charme]
[The Love whiche ys imprinted in my sowle]
[What Toungue can her perfections tell?]
The Fourthe Booke or Acte.
The Fifte and Last Booke or Acte.
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The Complete Works of Sir Philip Sidney
[Faire seeke not to be feard, most lovely beloved by thy servants]
Faire seeke not to be feard, most lovely beloved by thy servants,
For true it is, that they feare many whom many feare.
The Complete Works of Sir Philip Sidney