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The Complete Works of Sir Philip Sidney
In Three Volumes
Sidney, Philip (1554-1586)
I, II.
Volume I, [Volume II]
Volume III
Volume IV
The First Booke or Acte of the Countess of Pembrookes ARCADIA
[Thy Elder care shall from thy carefull face]
[Transformde in shewe, but more transformde in mynde]
[What lengthe of verse can serve, brave Mopsas good to showe]
[Come Shepearde weedes become youre Masters mynde]
[Now thancked bee the great god Pan]
[Come Dorus come, Let Songes thy sorrowes signify]
[Pore Paynters ofte, with silly Poettes joyne]
[Upp, upp Philisides, Let sorowes goo]
[Downe, Downe Melampus, what? youre fellowe byte?]
[Fortune, Nature, Love, longe hathe contended aboute mee]
[Yf myne eyes can speake to doo harty Arrant]
[Lady reserved by the heavens to doo Pastors Company, honor?]
The Second Booke or Acte
The Thirde Booke or Acte.
The Fourthe Booke or Acte.
The Fifte and Last Booke or Acte.
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The Complete Works of Sir Philip Sidney
[Faire seeke not to be feard, most lovely beloved by thy servants]
Faire seeke not to be feard, most lovely beloved by thy servants,
For true it is, that they feare many whom many feare.
The Complete Works of Sir Philip Sidney