University of Virginia Library



Sche quhome I loued, quhase death is all my woe,
to me In sleip this night did hir adress,
with sugred speache, to move me to forgoe
and leave these sobbs which dois my ioyes suppresss.
“can these availl” (quod sche) with plesant Ire,
“can these availl to rander me my lyfe?
no! no! my deire, it is not my desyre;
blist is my state which is exeimd from stryfe;
I ioy my ioyes with the celestiall troupe:
within my grave then troubill me na more,
raise vpp thy spreits, and longer do not droupe;
thy faithfull hairt dois weill my death decore:
adieu, my loue! receave off me this kiss,
for faith nor love no gretar I culd wiss.”