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Parthenophil and Parthenophe

Sonnettes, Madrigals, Elegies and Odes [by Barnabe Barnes]

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[Thus, as she was boue humaine glorie graced]

Thus, as she was boue humaine glorie graced,
The saint me thought departed,
And suddenly vpon her feete she started,
Iuno beheld, and fayne would haue defaced
That femall miracle, proude natures wonder,
Least Ioue through heauens cleare windowes should espie her,
And for her bewtie, Iunoes loue neglect:
Downe she discendes, and as she walked by her
A braunche of lilyes Iuno teares in sonder.
Then from her Sphœre, did Venus downe reflect,
Least Mars by chance her bewtie should affect,
And with a braunche of Roses
She bet vpon her face, then Iuno closes,
And with white lillyes did her bewtie chasten.
But louely graces in memoriall,
Let both the Rose, and lillyes colours fall
Within her cheekes, which to be formost hasten.