University of Virginia Library



'Twas a vision of fair ladye,
Kept, and still must keep me here,
Sadly sighing, when I should be
Happier in another sphere:
Such the fetter thrown around me
By her witchery, it hath bound me!—
That fair ladye, that fair ladye,
Holds me fast in subtle snare!
Many a hope would sweetly woo me,
And, in other regions blest,
Love and Glory both pursue me,
Seeking place within my breast;
Yet I linger, never fleeing,
Losing fame and bliss and being—
That fair ladye, that fair ladye,
Makes a captive of her guest!
Like the bird around whose pinion
Serpent spells have wrought a chain,
I am held in close dominion,
Seeking to be free in vain!
Vainly words of wo I utter—
In her bonds I fret and flutter—
That fair ladye, that fair ladye,
Oh! she laughs to see my pain!
Yet with spirit uncomplaining
Would I in her bonds repose,
Were she not the while disdaining
The poor captive in her close;


Would she now and then smile on him,
Though her bonds have still undone him,
That fair ladye, that fair ladye,
Still might keep him bound, Heaven knows!