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Hymn 5.

[Yet hear, ye souls that cleave]

Yet hear, ye souls that cleave
To earth and misery,
The joyful news receive,
And yield to be set free;
Redeem'd from pride, and guilty shame,
The grace of Jesus prove,
The virtue of your Saviour's name,
The humbling power of love.
His blood by faith applied
Shall wash you white as snow,
And all the justified
Themselves and Jesus know:
Who honour God, themselves despise
With deep humility,
And none so vile in their own eyes
As those that Jesus see.
He never will ensnare,
Or by His gifts destroy
The objects of His care,
The vessels of His joy:


His mercy shall with lowly fear
Your faithful souls abase,
And make you in the dust revere
The pardoning God of grace.
His truth, and love, and power
Shall His own gifts maintain;
But may ye not implore
The Saviour's grace in vain?
What if ye seek, and never find
The pardon in His blood?—
What if the Saviour of mankind
Be neither just, nor good!—
Hath He not spoke the word,
“Who ask shall all receive!”
Believe our faithful Lord,
Ye abject souls believe!
The hellish doubt reject, disclaim,
And on our God rely;
Our God continues still the same,
Nor can Himself deny.
We now affix our seal
That God is good, and true,
His faithful love we feel,
And ye may feel it too:
We know, ye all the grace may take,
Ye all the truth may prove,
And twice ten thousand souls we stake
On Jesu's faithful love.