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Sec. 21-11. Charges for grave space and digging graves.

The following charges shall be made for grave spaces in
Oakwood Cemetery: In Divisions H, J, K and L, thirty-five dollars
for each space; in Division G, twenty-five dollars for each space.
All sums so paid shall be deposited in the fund described in
section 21-8.

The following charges shall be made for digging graves:

1. Where the outside case is three feet or less in length  $25.00 
2. Where the outside case exceeds three feet in length  50.00 

Unless a concrete or steel vault is furnished on behalf of a
person to be buried, the city shall furnish a concrete box at a cost
of forty-five dollars. Wooden boxes shall not be permitted.

The above fees or cost shall be payable in advance unless
guaranteed by some responsible person. (Code 1959, § 21-12;
9-26-66; 8-17-70; 4-15-74.)