University of Virginia Library

A music strain
Far heard, her guide, she passed from hall to hall,
Some armour-hung to where rich doors flung wide
Shewed a long gallery thronged by knights and dames.
Some talked, some laughed; at times a lady held
One finger o'er the chess-board hovering long,
Then dropped it down on castle, queen, or knight,
Yet hesitated still and marked whose eyes
Pursued the ivory wanderer. At her harp
Sat Agnes Sorel singing. As the song
Soared from her lips the smile around them brightened
And larger beamed her azure eyes. The Maid
Glanced on her lightly, and, misliking, passed
To where, with many near him, stood a youth
In velvet black. Irresolute was his face


Though delicately shaped. Not distant sat,
Scarce marked, a lady pale that widow seemed;
Yet was both Wife and Queen.