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Hymn 20.

Happy soul, enjoy thy gain,
Thy greatest gain to die,
From our vale of grief, and pain,
Removed to worlds on high,


Thou the glorious fight hast won,
Ended well the doubtful race,
All the' allotted service done:
Thy works shall speak thy praise.
Ever careful to abound
In fruits of righteousness,
Still thou labour'dst to be found
In God's appointed ways,
Walking on with Christ in white,
Virtues thy companions were,
Praise thy permanent delight,
And all thy business prayer.
True to thy great Master thou,
And zealous for His cause,
Simply didst thy faith avow,
And glory in His cross;
By the loving Spirit led,
By the sayings of thy Lord,
Thou in all His steps didst tread,
And keep His written word.
Long the wily soothing foe
Thy steady virtue tried,
Vainly urged thee to forego,
And cast the means aside,
Worship more refined and pure,
Still the silent tempter show'd,
Still thy foot stood fast and sure
In the old paths of God.
Never once wast thou betray'd
Into the serpent's snare,
While he labour'd to dissuade
So much of praise and prayer:


“Friend be still, (he softly cried,)
Outward praise your God offends:”
“Friends sing on (thy zeal replied)
The song that never ends.”
Such thy fair example was,
The same in life and death,
Love's sweet task, and prayer, and praise
Employ'd thy latest breath.
Prompt to succour the distress'd,
Glad the tempted soul to cheer,
Pity moved thy dying breast,
And dropp'd thy latest tear.
Thou in Jesu's words and ways
Exhortedst us to' abide,
Witness of the perfect grace,
And wholly sanctified:
All His promises fulfill'd,
All His gifts to thee were given,
Pardon'd here, renew'd, and seal'd,
And fully ripe for heaven.
Pure into the hands of God
Thou didst thy soul resign,
Fitted for that high abode,
And fellowship Divine:
Oh! how sweet thy parting word,
Last of all thou spak'st below,
“Keep me, keep me, dearest Lord.
And never let me go!”