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She walked once more;
Not far: for soon a voice long loved had reached her.
‘Maid, when the foe hath fled before thy face,
Orleans is free, ride thou beside that prince
Who should be, yet who is not, King of France,
To Rheims! and when the crown is on his head
Give thanks; and to thy parents' roof return.’
Again the kneeler, rising, spake: ‘Great Queen,
Thou too didst crown a King; for through thy prayers


Winning thy lord, thou gavest his realm to Christ.
Margaret of Scotland, I obey thy word!’
She spake, then sought, quick-paced with brightening eye
Her parents' home beside its murmuring brook
Its ‘fairy tree’—she oft had danced beneath it—
And church five centuries old.
She told them how those Voices, wont till then
To say, ‘Work hard, be strong, be not a dreamer—
Eternity suffices for repose—’
Their great behest, long promised, had imposed.
Her parents bade her thrice repeat her tale.
They liked it not. They willed her to remain
And tend their flock. Not less they knew their child;
Had ofttimes marked in her some touch divine,
Oftenest when tendering alms, or rapt in prayer.
They knew no wish for praise had touched her ever,
The world for her existed not; ‘the body’—
Hers seemed but ‘spirit draped.’ God and His Church,
Her King, her country,—she had lived for these
Her seventeen years. Oft seemed she younger far;
For as, death past, the dead grow beautiful,
And youth in part returns, tenderly thus
Sleep dealt with her. Each night her lids scarce dropt
When maiden face had changed to face of child,
A child of twelve years old. At dawn of day
The old Priest who best had known her bade her speed:
She lingered long, back gazing. Thus she spake:
‘Ah, loving parents mine, how much I owe you!—
Ah, little sister mine, thy loving heart
Will beat no more 'gainst mine for many a night.’
To Vaucouleurs she passed; saw that brave man,
Its ruler, Baudricourt. He never doubted;


The maid was no impostor. Keenly he marked
That ever with her soarings wisdom joined
Insight with zeal. All northern France, he said,
O'er-swarmed that hour with wild and wandering bands
Lawless alike, all false, all sanguinary,
That sang chivalrous courtesy, then fired
Castle and cot alike. The old warrior spake
With reverence, not with condescending kindness,
With reverence such as eld feels oft for youth,
Knowing how great a thing is innocence.
He ended thus: ‘I am no preacher, Maid:
Counsellors more sage, I think, have told you sometimes
That strong illusions mock at times high aims.
Yet this is true not less, that faith when humble
Hath power to chase them. God hath given you faith:
Pray God it walk beside you all your life,
Sustain you at your death.’ The old man's eyes
Grew misted as he spake that last word ‘death.’
She marked it and remembered oft. Next morn
He blessed her, and they parted.